Police shooting in kenosha wisconsin

Here’s a Kenosha case I can get behind.

Chrystul Kizer, a 19-year-old who was charged in the 2018 killing of a man who prosecutors said sexually abused her, was released from a Wisconsin jail on Monday after a bail fund in Chicago paid her $400,000 bond.

Ms. Kizer was 17 when she shot Randall Volar, 34, in Kenosha, Wis., on June 5, 2018. She has been awaiting trial for two years, and her case has received widespread attention from supporters and activists who say she acted in self-defense and was a victim of sex trafficking.

Michael Graveley, the Kenosha County district attorney, said he did not dispute that Mr. Volar had committed felony sex crimes against Ms. Kizer. Mr. Volar had been under investigation for sex crimes and was arrested in February 2018, but was released shortly after.

Mr. Graveley argued that the killing should be prosecuted as a premeditated murder, based partly on text messages and social media posts from Ms. Kizer.

Incognito worked for me on this one.