Police and soldiers return fire in Louisville

Are you saying you don’t believe anyone fired at the police?

If the law states they are to have their body cameras on and they didn’t, that is reason to prosecute the police?

Interesting, “pepper bullets” are used for crowd dispersal and control. When police deliver a lawful order to leave an area and disperse perhaps the journalists should heed the warning as well.

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Did the restaurant owner shoot at them? I support shooting the guy with the gun, but not randomly shooting into a crowd. Not only is it reckless, it is likely to make things much worse.

Good question.


Yeah, the cops should just stand there and die. What was it the left said about Charlottesville? There were no good people there, because good people don’t march with Nazi’s. Do good people march with rioters, looters and arsonists?


Not enough info to know for sure. It’s possible some officer got spooked by something, and started shooting.


“Mr. McAtee would help us with Californian Day for at least 15 years, if not longer,” Greg Cotton, Jr., who lives in Middletown, said in an interview Monday. “He was one of the ones who would donate all his time and all his food; everybody could just come up and take it and he wouldn’t charge because it was for the neighborhood.”

Hysterical. Guy made a mistake and now he’s dead.

I can see why that’s so funny.

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Was the restaurant owner rioting? That’s all that matters right now. If not, he is a dead innocent and the predictable result of reckless ■■■■ like that.

Tin soldiers and Nixon’s coming.

I suppose you can’t given:


If this keeps up it won’t be considered safe to anonymously join huge crowds in violation with only a few people from the crowd shooting at police.

Seriously, you take on the risk yourself, IMO.

Question to those who are shocked by this: If you are ordered to stop an unruly mob that is acting illegally, and shots start ringing out from within that crowd aimed at you, what is your next step?

If your next step is to open fire indiscriminately into the crowd, you shouldn’t be a cop.

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No, I asked what your next step should be.

And remember, people are shooting at you.

Is that what happened?

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Tin soldiers?

Big mistake.

Mobs are not a healthy environment.

Interesting how this view differs from the views held about Charlottesville…



Force met with greater force.

Physics… Science.