Please donate…Hunter Biden needs you!


The NEW Nigerian prince.

Seriously though, what are you supposed to do when a drug addict asks you for money??

I do the same thing I do when a billionaire begs me for money. Laugh at the solicitation and dispose of the request appropriately never to think of it again.

See? Easy solution.

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Might be time for some of them to “re up” anyway!

You’re not supposed to give it to them…

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Ask them if they truly know Jesus.

Won’t somebody think of the crackheads!?!?!


Stupider than Kyle Rittenhouse’s?

But Grassley was singing a different tune on Friday, admitting to Newsmax’s Greta Van Susteren that he has no evidence to back his claim, Newsweek reports.

“It is a very serious allegation. I wish I could say that I knew it was true or untrue,” the 89-year-old lawmaker told Van Susteren.

According to the report, Grassley’s comments echoed a similar statement he made Thursday to Fox News’ Chad Pergram that he couldn’t confirm "whether or not it’s really criminal activity.”

SO IOW- Grassley has nothing.

Did Kyle Rittenhouse collect millions from foreign governments alongside all the “art” he sold at a half million a pop…then turning around hiring one of the most expensive lawyers in the country to defend his claims of poverty in front of his baby momma over the child he fathered and is now trying to deny.

What a dumb comparison…


How about this one?
March 30 (Reuters) - Less than two hours after news of his indictment broke, former President Donald Trump appealed to supporters to help with his legal defense, hoping their outrage will boost his coffers as he seeks the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

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A super convenient FBI form mentioned by a whistleblower, and guaranteed to blow the lid off the while thing…proves to be elusive.

Once again, it reminds me of the multiple claims of election fraud that couldn’t clear the first, lowest bar of credibility.



A galactically stupid and (D)esperate comparison. But hey, children aren’t safe in the womb or on the streets from leftists. :rofl:


much more so yes Kyle isnt a corrupt crackhead piece of ■■■■ human

but enough about the Bidens


pull trump out in front of poor hunter

why are you so afraid to actually comment on hunter?

nothing else anyone in the world does makes him any better.

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Typical lib response. And probably as dim witted as your last one.

“But Trump!”

You folks cannot defend the Biden’s failures so it’s always the same thing…

“But Trump”…which is really comical because the country was way better off under the Trump presidency…

You should immediately contribute to the hunter Biden legal defense fund. He needs to money so his lawyers can screw over the four year old girl he fathered but that his despicable family (which claims the children are all our children, apparently except Joe and Jill’s granddaughter) has tried to ignore.


They can’t comment on Hunter…or Joe…or Joes brother…

Look how far we’ve come from “I have never talked to my son about his businesses…” a complete and easily disproven Joe Biden lie…to today.

Couple that with the old boy’s failed presidency…

They’ve got nuthin.