Pizza Hut Goes Drag for Kids!

oh no… a pizza chain recommended a book I don’t like… anger ensues.

The same libs who literally woke up one day, and then got offended at the names of military bases. Look at them, standing a couple of pegs higher all of a sudden.



Recommend a book on a website with a bunch of other books?


Do such children’s books exist?

Or you could do the rational thing and not get their pizza because it is really bad pizza.

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If a child is trans… because like it or not trans people exist… what is more emotionally abusive… acceptance or denial?

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When did you guys become such sissies. I absolutely guarantee you if I could find the lists of books from when I was in elementary school there’d probably be one whole book you didn’t like on it. If not more.

It’s almost like this is performative hysteria.

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Yes, Pizza Hut must understand that if they recommend what a political party considers a bad book, they must suffer at the hands of that political party. Because political parties that try to regulate what books are proper to read and which aren’t always turn out so well in hindsight.

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One of the funniest sentences ever written:

He was like Churchill, but we paid no heed.


■■■■■■■ hell that was funny.

Isn’t this the Pizzagate guy? Or is that Cernovich. They’re basically the same dude.

Not all can see the horizon of tomorrow on the road you chose today and that’s one of your ceilings in this life my friend. That book is a road sign directing children on seriously wrong path and I stand against that.


I read this book out of my grade school library.

lord foul

It has a brutal rape in the first hundred pages.

But go ahead and complain about a pizza chain recommending a book to parents to get… or not.

So, what you’re saying is that if you were exposed to and read a book like this one you may have turned “funny” later on?

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Jacob Wohl and Jack are like the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of the ■■■■■■■■ right.


i’m not discussing this in light of any stupid party politics

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You should sit this one out.


There it is.


If I choose to expose those under my care to this book, then I am personally endorsing what it’s promoting and what it’s promoting…is sadness and unfulfillment in ones’ life. That’s the horizon you’ll see…if you take off your blinders of ignorance?

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anyone who objects to having mental illness gender maladies featured in children’s books has the issues huh?

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