Perfect illustration of how out of touch the woke are

Ask native Americans at the first Thanksgiving feast how that worked out for them.

Then keep your religion out of my politics.


What’s with the fascination of changing language. Is it really just trying to be more polite or more insidious as some point out controlling language is a culturally Marxist move?

What’s next instead of illegals “document impaired travelers”.

“Illegal” works fine with fraudulent asylum seekers, which is most of them. They know when they claim asylum they are only here for economic reasons.
Isn’t making a false representation to the government in order to get it to take an action you want illegal? Jack Smith says yes. When a person’s claim to asylum is rejected as false, why isn’t the doj prosecuting them?


These are the same people who call Dave Chapelle a transphobe :grin:

“Oppressed newcomers”, most likely.


A bit un-PC but essentially this is what James Carville is talking about:

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A fraudulent asylum claim may be illegal and thus those who have done it may in fact be illegal aliens. I’m not 100% sure if there is a criminal statute for “fraudulent asylum claims”

Do you know who these people are right now? Exactly how many of them are there and how do we know without a court case?

The people you are describing broke the law. There is bitgubg objectionable about calling them criminals. But it is the action that is illegal, not the person themself

If I follow your logic, then the people who have been jailed for their actions on J6 – just about all of whom assaulted law enforcement officers during the riot – are not just criminals, they are illegal citizens.

And so the language grows.

“illegal aliens” is short for “those who entered the United States illegally.”
It’s just shorter to say “the citizen was attacked by an illegal alien” than it is to say “the citizen was attacked by one who entered the United States illegally”.
If they find it offensive, they can leave.


Hmm I never thought about it this way… it is strange that they are “illegal” and not their actions.

I think saying Non citizen or US alien would be a more appropriate label… but I do not think it’s important enough to fight conservatives over. Fighting that just makes you seem sympathetic to their criminal activity.

It’s like fighting with people over the real definition of pedophile… one might be right but one would look like one supports pedophilia.


And you said:

But polls consistently show that about 70 percent of voting adults support gay marriage. So I guess you don’t know what you’re talking about. :man_shrugging:


Not exactly.

Oh really.

Then why was homosexual marriage voted down, twice, in CA and only the law now because leftist judges overruled the votes of over 60 million twice.

But as to your little poll.

What was the sample information?

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They are not a US anything.


My black nation bruthas and sistas did that.

Which countries currently have asylum conditions?



Undocumented Migrants

These are few among the many code words of the stupids prancing around in intellectual face.

Some people are just retarded and starved for attention. Pretending to be a warrior fighting for justice is how these sad little souls compensate for their wasted time on Earth. :man_shrugging:


Who is fighting? This thread was started as a conservative complaint against woke language choices. it’s clear who started the fight.

Both sides try to use language insultingly. Democrat Party rather than Democratic Party. Don Porleone for the Presidential candidate who brags about being rich but cannot pay for things. Its not politics, it is marketing.

Also, congratulations to @W_and_C for exposing the true cultists that got left behind in school.

They think you’re a conservative!