Pentagon Sidesteps Trump to Ban the Confederate Flag

Never heard it. Have no desire to. Funny that you do.

Self flagellation must be addictive. So many here seem to be doing it.

What is this gibberish supposed to mean? Did any of that make sense, even after 3 edits?

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Never watched Hamilton. I REALLY…REALLY…REALLY…REALLY…there aren’t enough reallys. REALLY…do not like Broadway/musicals.

If the founders were liberal, then aren’t those today tearing down statues and destroying the property of others just following the example of the founders? Do you advocate such actions, since you claim you be a liberal like the founders, who destroyed the property of others and tore down statues?

You deleted it. I have no idea what I said that bypassed some filter. So it will happen again. Ban me now sneaky and get it the ■■■■ over with.

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The word you used one letter and ____ instead of letters for. I think you do know what it was.

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I absolutely advocate such actions. I love it.

I meant to thank you for replying. Thank you.

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He said nothing that hasn’t been said about us all the time. The left here including yourself have made similar accusations innuendo’s.

Now that shoe is on other foot…

I think this is worth repeating…

KKK sure as hell has been called a terrorist group.

Great post.

All those poor southern young men who died so wealthy plantation owners could keep their slaves. Who today wants to pretend it’s “heritage”?


Are they designated as a terrorist government?

By the Trump admin?

No…I seen some petition out there to get it on terrorist list before.

As for BLM…I don’t think they’re terrorist but badly misguided. That and being used by certain elements in our society.

Now I think Antifa is possible a terrorist org.

LOL I find this funny as hell.


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