Pentagon IG Faults Trump for ISIS Resurrection

So you agree the 10 commandments should not be on Government buildings, any religious prayer does not belong in the functions of government, and all churches should not get special treatment from government, ie not paying taxes?

No…it’s how it all began my friend and I don’t want to ruin our success. I do believe in separation of church and state but…prior to business getting started…a prayer is a great way to begin and end.

Regarding the tax exempt status…when politics are preached from the pulpit…their tax exempt status should be forfeited.

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There was no formal prayer in Congress until the 1900’s.

Yes, many of the founders were religious, but they kept it out of government.

Glad we basically agree on the tax issue with churches.

This thread is amusing when you compare it to the other thread about shutting out the noise.

You should be allowed to speak. :sunglasses:

ISIS is Al Qaeda in Iraq, full stop.

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I think the point is Trump’s claims that he destroyed ISIS were premature.


History has shown when a world power withdraws from the world…wars ensue to fill in the gap.

Wars from which the withdrawing power are not immune.

I actually agree with the overall philosophy Trump seems to be espousing…burden shifting.

As usual, the nuance behind how that should be done is completely beyond him.

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It’s a Quagmire, with No End in Sight. lol

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Also known as, our former mercenary reserves.


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But there was an end in sight. The Kurds where taking care of it

Can’t kill a tactic! Can’t defeat an ideology! Oh the good old days.

Done need to defeat just contain

Oh tell us more Herr


Tell us something, what has ISIS done to us in the US?

Online military experts. Brought to you by web crawler technology. lol

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Was it not working?

Was what not “working”?