Pension Reform In Russia

Russia is a country learning to be market oriented, but still the government protects the few as they did in communism,

Russia is a country where the public holdings were sold off to mafia crony’s at fire sale prices back in the 90’s and those people have been doing whatever they can to remove their wealth from that country instead of investing in any “market”

Have you been to Russia or Ukraine?

you used to be so knowledgeable and less reactive.

here is your free market Russia.

I am still fairly knowledgeable about some stuff… ask me about Star Wars before the prequels ruined it I could probably tell you most anything.

I just am having a hard time understanding what the points you are trying to make are.

I get that there is this need to make a good/evil dichotomy between Capitalism and socialism but the problem with that is that it looking at economic systems in a purely black or white way where the reality is much much more complicated.

we are discussing trends here, not absolutes. purity is asymptotic.

all economies are mixed, as the us becomes more like other countries our problems get worse like theirs.

the answer is to go back to times where money had less influence, such as a freer market with less government favoritism.

That time was basically …never

all is relative. government spending used to be a very small part of GDP. back before progressives went to war.

There never was such a time.

is less an absolute or a relative term, same for freer or more free, absolute or relative.

when we speak in relatives there always is a time.

So what timeframe are you speaking of?

1801-1824 and 1832-1840 versus 1880-1920 and 1940- 2018

So the time of the expansionist conquest of North America when slavery was a very real part of the economy of half of the country?

That is a freer time with less favoritism?

exactly, better than ghettos and killing zones and drug distribution.

Yeah. I am tapping out.

why do you pretend that slavery is the worlds greatest evil?

If you think black people were better off as slaves than nothing any of us will say can help you.

I want you to go up to the nearest black man and tell him that the community was better off enslaved. If you have the balls to do that then you’ll regain my respect.

Mischaracterization is not a morally superior position.

But, when was the last time you talked to a slave? Did you ask him how he or she was treated on the plantation? Did you then go to Chicago and ask a mother with a dying child in her arms how she felt?

How about indentured servants, do you engage them?

listen up, you can keep complaining about slavery and have no impact on the issue, or you can look at modern day plantations and do something about it.

come back with more righteous indignation.

I’m not complaining about slavery. History is what it is.

But I do show respect to that era, an era that led to the dehumanization of an entire people and was the central cause of a war that tore the country to its very foundation and left 750,000 dead and ruined the south, my homeland, for over a century. We must study and learn so that such a tragedy never occurs again.

You’re minimizing it. And throwing slaver terms like “plantation” around in regards to the inner city isn’t going to win you friends in the black community. Chattel slavery is to black Americans what the holocaust is to the Jewish people. It was a tragedy that must be studied, learned from, and shown respect. Not minimized.