Pelosi Proves She’s Queen

like most other democrats who have king/queen complexes. thats why they love dictators

she feels special enough to utilize a salon that has been closed for the “commoners” due to a mild flu-like virus

lori lightfoot eat your heart out

if you can get your hair done without a mask…

you can vote in person ; )

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More career politicians thinking they are above the law


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kids cant go to school. but she can go to the SALON. lol

you forgot “democrats” but exactly!

A post was merged into an existing topic: General Slop from Various Threads +fd

Pelosi says the business told her they could have one person at a time inside the salon.

Is it possible that Pelosi lied?


Do as they say, not as they do. Or else. :wink:


they prob had gourmet ice cream!

She shouldn’t have done that.

No, I didn’t. You seriously think that only applies to politicians from one side whereas the other side is pristine ?

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thank you!

why do you think she felt she could?

i dont have much faith in any lifetime multi term inveterate politicians

i dont think any thinking man (or woman) does

She probably wanted a haircut

She shouldn’t have done it.

She should pay whatever fine there may be

Glad we agree :smirk:

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she ignored all her own positions, for her personal benefit

that merits a mere “fine?”


A fine

If the voters in her district want to keep her as their representative, then that is for them to decide.

But my opinion is that she should pay whatever fine there may be and not do it again.

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“youre a total hypocrite and fraud, pay the 15 bucks”

