Peaceful breakup of the Union

I hope this thread brings discussion and not just frivolous ridicule. The people in the U.S. have been drifting apart for the past 20 years according to Pew Research at and alarming rate. Partisanship is at all time high, as is one sided social unrest (at the moment). If interested look at the Pew polls attached the vast majority of both republicans and democrats want little to do with each other and have little to no shared values. We are divided on almost every issue according to the research and predicted to continue to get worse. We are now a country who burns our country rather than builds. If divided into smaller fragments both sides could get more things they want, liberal areas could combine up and down the left coast and probably get a single payer medical system, as well as being a technology powerhouse.

I am personally sick of seeing cities burn, the constant whining of social justice advocates and for the first time in my life worried about the rise of the far right because of these events and once that happens that’s it to the peaceful split. It would just take a spark at this point and it seems everyone from our leaders to the media are throwing flipping matches at the gas tank, we are no more special then all of the other nations through out history who has split apart that said they never would because once we have lost our shared values, we are no longer united.

I have no desire to live in a world of constant unending liberal guilt, violent protests and insufferable shame were people clap gleefully they will be a minority one day than someone on the left wanting to live in a conservative nation were laws and traditions that served our forefathers are respected and passed down each generation with respects to the rule of law. Even though I am closing in on the big 40 and am in 100 times better shape financially I can say unequivocally I like the country I remember more in the 90’s and even the early to mid 2000’s than the nation we are living in today.

We are less united today than at any point since the Civil War, we are divided by politics, religion and culture. In all the ways that matter, save for the naked force of the law (which is under serious attack), we are already divided into two nations just as much as in 1861. The contempt for opponents, the Twitter mobs, online shaming and no-platforming, the growing tolerance of violence — it all suggests we’d be happier in separate countries.

How could this be achieved peacefully and how would one go about it? I don’t see this based on race as much as culture and I would happily call fellow country men and women of color like Candice Owens, Thomas Sowell or an Larry Elder neighbor 10x more than a white leftist who are wanting to completely change every fabric of society. I am not speaking of moderate democrats if that is even a thing today but the ■■■■ I am seeing on TV non stop. It baffles my conservative mind that richest country in the world, the envy of most nations is literally lighting fires to its infrastructure and burning businesses cities down. If you are a conservative it is against everything you believe watching this unfold as the left controls culture and trying to turn the fabric of this nation into something that I don’t even think they know what, but to some a change is as good as anything else. And just for the record there are more secessionists movements on the left now than the right. All of this predates Trump, nothing will change if Biden wins as half of the left are way more progressive than Biden and don’t share his view of America anymore than the current presidents.

Ya never going to happen.

We can have a difference of opinion and still live together united and peacefully. It’s all a 100% personal choice. I choose to live in a rural area. I enjoy the common courtesy I experience. I enjoy less traffic and less traffic lights. I enjoy seeing wild turkeys, deer, calling owls at night and interacting with so much other wild life. I like taking a walk in the woods with my dog. We all don’t have to be the same, look the same, act the same or desire the same things but what we must have…is respect for the choices others choose for their lives and I can honestly say right here and now…that I do.

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I would rather see 11 separate republics with a federal senate and a national military. Not just two separate countries.

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Never say never.

The question is whether it would be peaceful or a complete bloodbath.

Also, who gets the nuclear arsenal?

That’s why I like my suggestion. 11 nominally independent republics that better represent the disparate cultures and histories of the current republic. We would be tied together through a common economic market and fiat currency (the Amero).

In addition, We would have a common federal senate that meets several times a year with the sole power to regulate issues that effect the relationships between the republics. They would be chosen by the independent legislatures of each republic. They could not interfere with the internal workings of the republics. There would be an executive branch consisting of 11 members elected from the legislatures who sole prerogative would be national security measures and enforcing the Senate’s legal decrees dealing with inter republic issues.

Each republic would have its own national guard force that would only be allowed to operate in its own territory. A supranational military force would be established and controlled by the 11 person executive branch.

All other matters currently assumed by the federal government would be given to the independent republics, who would have their own constitutions, forms of government, and bureaucracies.

I don’t think our Government has taken on the form of 2 parties by dumb luck.
It’s institution of parable is really a good thing.
Last election by sheer vote count was pretty close on either parallel.

I find it odd the libs claim Trump change the republican party for the worst even thou Trump has carried out lots of what democrats wanted years before Trump election.

Trump is doing what they wanted…and thus maybe that’s the problem. Trump wants to fix the things they want to complain about.

Just a note on the side; when President Obama was elected…I lost. That said, I’m still a team player and always have the other side’s back…if things get hairy? I can’t say that this is being reciprocated and IMO…that’s the problem more than anything else right now? Some only care about their own narcissistic selves and just yell at the sky…at the expense of the union.

“Tribalism”. Beware all you “allies” of the cult “movement”.

See the left problem is we are onto there little silly games. Lets be reasonable, lets compromise.

We give in being reasonable and compromise and then they demand more saying we need to be reasonable and compromise with em.

The fact that we ain’t rolling over for em is the problem.


Trump took on China.
Trump kept jobs here.
Trump opened up our energy.
Trump funded our military. His keeping our tank factories open is something only he could have done.
This guy has done a lot I gotta’ say no one else has or could have done. Straight up facts.
But on this our latest national crisis, he is floundering bad, and really just making it worse.
Donald can walk, and chew gum no question.

I agree and there’s plenty of evidence to support what you just said.

I’m wonder where all those guys went…those that protested again China into WTO. I remember we were going to march with em in Seattle…but then “some” got violent and we got out of there.

Yes buy American…if not buy friends of America…meaning from other representative countries. Big talking point of democrats back then…back when I support and compromised with em.

Energy independents…that was democrat talking point.

Democrats promised to secure our borders…well to be fair so did republicans.

So you see Trump is extreme moderate here. So I believe the problem is democrats don’t want problems solved because then they can’t use those issues to deride people. And to some extent same with republicans. They need em to be wedge issues.

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They’re ANTIFA now.

I just have to ackowledge he has done some amazing things.
He needs to close the ole’ cake hole a bit more, on all fronts.
It’s like that really hot girl in high school everybody drools over. Then one night at a party she gets all drunk, and drops trouts right there in front of everyone. Overnight she goes from the hottest girl in school to the party pooper.
Donald is not doing well lately, look at those around him they look worn out.
It’s a hot smelly mess.

I suppose politically he should have done what Obama did when there were riots. Talk platitudes and healing and then do nothing.
Actually, the President has very little if anything to do with the police in all these cities. Trump talked tough, but it was the mayors, governors and police chiefs who are in charge. By talking tough when he was going to largely do nothing, he gave the media an easy target.

Sure thing. Can we deport the neonazis and white nationalists to your country?


I want the states with the mountains and the beaches.

Totally agree.

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I agree at least don’t injure the patient.
Man Barr’s offensive against those lawful protesters to clear the way for Trump, was bad, not good at all. And for what some stupid picture?
He has lost some credibilty as just a decent person, the opitcs are sooooo bad.
Generals denouncing, him as well as clergy, wow!
Look, him, and Biden both have that vibe from the things in their pasts, touchy feely, so it’s a push on that. But Biden of all people looks more moral?
How the heck did this all happen?