Peace is breaking out over Alaska

Yessssssss. My guy. One of the best lines in movie history.


They’re like cats trying to take swipes at a bear. “I’m not touching you! I’m not touching you!”, is what their tactics amount to.


Civil War or Russian/Chinese attack. You gotta pick one.

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Well they only get like 10 flight hours per month compared to our guys 100 or so. And they don’t do dissimilar combat training much either since they never have the fuel for it.

Truth be told, our entire relationship with Russia and China is a giant penis measuring contest.

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None of our allies would stand a chance in hell against us either.

Ever wonder why we consistently “lose” at war games? Those idiots only train for winning scenarios.

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We don’t get nearly that much.

Really? I always assumed y’all got a ■■■■ ton. What’s it more like 30?

I always figured we lost at war games so the MIC had some new excuse to blow about a trillion dollars on a new weapons program to “fix” the issue.

30 is pretty accurate but on high side. It depends on the experience levels. 2-3 sorties a week and depending on aircrat 1-2.5 hours per sortie. Speaking for fighter world. I averaged 200 hrs a year.

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Still a lot more than the Russians get.


To come up with new things to help make sure those other things don’t happen outside of war games.*

I wonder if it’s primarily fuel or airframe concerns that limit the Russians so bad.

War game results are kind of funny sometimes. We lost to the Houthis apparently in a recent game.

The Battle of Kamdesh was real though.

More engines I believe

Yeah it seems like their engines were always problematic from a reliability standpoint. The Soviet solution to the issue was just to build so many spares that you never run out of swaps. But Russia doesn’t have that kind of production anymore.

And then the Chinese engines are apparently really bad. Which is why the J-20 is using import Saturns for now rather than the engine it was designed for, the WS-120 series.

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Makes me wonder. How good would a SU-35 be if it was installed with the F135 engine family? I seem to remember a PC simulator from when I was a kid that let you do stuff like that. You could fit the Su-27 with engines from the F-15 and that ■■■■ was some nonsense.

That is even high, we would typically send out 2-4 birds in the morning for a 90 min hop then same amount in the afternoon. Only time we flew more than that was on reserve weekend when the part timers were in.

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