Parlor CEO says they may not ever be able to come Back

The cons are complaining about being censored. but if you look at this video, it’s all about followers.

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Conservatives felt persecuted again because they couldn’t funnel unlimited money to their preferred candidate

You might want to look into that.


Nope, but citizens United deemed that the government cannot limited corporation political donations because that would be the government limiting speech… which violates the constitution.

They should have recognized that while corporations is a conglomeration of people who are afforded free speech, in the legal world we view them as separate - the corporate and the individual (doctrine of piercing the veil). Therefore while the right to associate is sacrosanct and while direct contributions By corporations are still prohibited they should have modified Austin instead of over turning it completely.

Given that you haven’t offered a rebuttal… I think it is you who might need “to look into that”

What was “Citizens United”?

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Which has what to do with big tech censorship?

Power… conservatives spend a lot of time giving corporations more and more power… then complain when they allegedly use that power against them.

Except big tech censorship against conservatives isn’t a real thing

Citizens United has nothing to do with the power of social media companies to


If you say so…

What is your solution to limit social media’s power to censor? Some sort of government intervention?

Hey, if you want an environment in which the government regulates business less, be prepared to deal with businesses doing things you don’t like, leading to outcomes that you don’t like.

The Gilded Age of Information Technology.


Did the DNC et al not attempt to use the government to stifle freedom of expression by blocking the release of a film critical of their candidate?

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All that glitters is not gold…


Celebration time for the censure those who disagree with us crowd. :roll_eyes: (Libs)


Who filed the complaint? It wasn’t the DNC

Citizen’s United filed the complaint that the law was unConstitutional. Obama’s FEC blocked the freedom of expression. Are you sure the DNC didn’t spur the FEC?

Device neutrality.

There was a bipartisan law against what citizens United was trying to do. So it seems like Obama’s FEC was following the law and conservatives didn’t like it.

Have you ever researched device neutrality? It doesn’t seem like it…