Outrage As An Industry

prog controlled foreign sites publishing in English as well.

oh yeah… Hollywood makes statements… as theater has done throughout history.

I would have suggested adding NPR but I recently heard a segment about how good illegal drugs are for PTSD and Trump’s name did not come up once.

Whatever you say, you’re the one with mod powers.

One of them. Why are you insisting on this? If the topic doesn’t interest you, find one that does. Don’t ruin it for everyone else.

Yes. Absolutely.

I’ll go science and personal experience:

There’s a ton of great stuff in here - from early childhood development to how our brains react when shown positive versus negative pictures.

Thaler is the best and does a great job explaining how we experience perceived losses more strongly than the same level of perceived gain.

Personally, my work often leads me to survey clients’ employees about a change, strategy, overall satisfaction, whatever.

I can show a division head all the quantitative results in the world that says things are great, people are happy, whatever. Once I show individual comments, they IMMEDIATELY focus their attention on the bad news outliers. My job is to walk them back from the ledge and say “Do not overreact to a couple of malcontents - they will lead you to bad decisions.”

So that’s what I think. I’m taking a break from bleaching my bathroom and am a bit fumed up - apologies if it’s poorly written.

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Great post and really good articles. Your NCBI article conflicts with “innate”, but Haidt might agree with you.

I will be looking into Mr. Thaler.

Thank you.

Actually I think your both wrong.

Need to zoom out and view the entire united state…hell you can do that for the world but for sack of this argument just the United State.

Look at overall platform that propaganda can be heard…from TV shows to music and other forms of art. To radio and yes even when I listen to classic rock and roll I heard the DJ political views and slights towards Conservatives. To internet like YouTube and Facebook. Print media to education etc.

After viewing all that I would say Conservatives are sucking hind tit here. But again I think that’s why it’s such a struggle here. IMO Conservatism is natural course of action…this the reason why steady drumbeat from authoritarianism to counter that natural course of action.

I hope this make sense.

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It does, but there is another possible explanation - there are fewer conservatives.

I think if we left to people own device conservatism is natural course one would take. To preserve their knowledge, their wealth and other belongings. Thus the reason to alter that natural course of action requires that steady drumbeat.

It is reason why I believe if more people were working at private industry would help conservatives over the long run. That is just natural course one takes. But if you throw in goverment dependency…you break that natural course.

Its also the reason why they start at early age of indoctrination. Libs know that if you allow free choice it break their chain…and thus allowing the natural course of action to to hold.

I’m still working out that theory…

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Fair enough.

Yep…it’s what I said. :sunglasses:

If the last election is used to determine this, they are but only by a few million. Libs are concentrated in smaller areas where conservatives are more spread out across the country.

Yes…they are.

FNC is not Limbaugh and Hannity. Limbaugh isn’t even on FNC

Media bias seems beyond the scope of the thread, unless one makes a claim that bias leads to disunity and slips into outrage by itself but I don’t adhere to thinking.

Chris Mathews and Mark Levin come to mind as personalities who try more to appeal to their viewers’ emotional state of outrage, but this shouldn’t be a tit for tat comparison of outrage pundits either.

I witness political arsonists across the entire spectrum online. Some are paid, some do it for free, but their mission is clear: instill hatred of the ‘other’ and confirm biases. I used to be harder on media personalities, especially people like Rush and Hannity, as being the source of the swelling anger in this country. But that’s like blaming the drug for the drug users addiction without addressing the motivation of the abuser. There is more to be said about why so many people have become addicted to being outraged that there is such a prevalent source in the market for them.

Fox…is Hannity. I didn’t include Rush and they also aren’t news outlets. They are political pundits. It’s the “news” that I’m attempting to focus on…hence the chart I posted. The preponderance by far of the heavy hitters, is liberal.

They being Hannity and Limbaugh.

Sorry. I thought you were speaking of CBS, ABC and NBC that I added at the end. They’re the big boys…like Fox.

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No problem.

It’s human nature to be split along ideological lines and at each other’s throats. Not specific to this particular time in history or this particular society.

I agree, conflict of visions. However it seems a bit different to me. For one thing there is a lot more personal than policy these days.

Everyone is either a communist or a nazi.