Our favorite president, Orange Man Raging, in a Sunday nightmare

How does the President just go after someone’s wife like that?

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Lol that makes it all better?

Good Lord, people, this is the President of the United States being nasty on Twitter because something wasn’t enough about him.

Unstable, sick, sad.


Now tomorrow, when you witness another episode of the same thing, will you again light your hair on fire…knowing what you know? If yes…that’s TDS. :sunglasses:

Both sides.
Orangeman bad.
Seriously, not literally.
Peas are cool, please don’t stop eating your Trump.

Guess which Unstable Genius was giving a huge hoot about them?

They made him cry. :cry:

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Stop caring that we have sociopath in the White House ?

I don’t think so.


TDS indeed.


Smyrna, I’m not going to whistle and avert my eyes and pretend nothing is happening, like the apologists are required to do.

Wait. He didn’t give credit to the Democrats and Republicans in congress for the bill.

Where is their raging, insane tweets?

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I am. I’ve got better things to do, that I can actually have a positive impact on. Isn’t it a shame, that there isn’t a better candidate? If what I am seeing, is what will be offered as a choice in November of 2020…I’ll vote for him again. I don’t like his daily shennanigans but I dislike different parts of our country, harboring illegal aliens who chose NOT to go through the legal process to enter our country and believe they are above our laws. Dems even want to now give them healthcare at no charge to them…and place this financial burden on my back. How can you just over look this?

I think that it is a positive thing that people still get upset when someone like the POTUS tweets things like “filthy mouthed wife”. Decent people feel upset with that, i would say. You feel upset with that, right?

The moment no one gets unsettled with things like this is the moment the people accept such behaviour as the new norm. I don’t know about you, but i don’t want this to be the new norm. My gut and education don’t want this to be the new norm. I don’t want this for my kid.
So i will keep bitching, moaning and complaining when I feel I need to do that.

The fact that people get “outraged” by things like this gives me hope that we still have not lost it completely.

On a tangent, Mallick has a new movie coming out (The Hidden Life) and there’s a beautiful quote in the trailer that stuck with me and goes like this:

“If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do or what we fail to do. “


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Why would he? Did he have anything to do with the legislation besides put his signature on it?

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Here’s a perfect example. You don’t see how the majority of adults in this country are uninterested in entertaining these anonymous netizen tantrums a dozen times a day?

There will be several more just like this as the day goes on. :wink:


I couldn’t agree more…hence…I’m not wasting my valuable time, on things I can’t change and applying it to the things I can have a positive impact on. Regarding this subject, I have a vote…whoooooopeeeeeee.

Would it have still passed IYO, had Trump vetoed the bill?

Better things to do? You’re the number 1 poster in this thread. The only difference is your wasting your time defending reprehensible behavior instead of calling it out


Sorry my friend, but you are indeed wasting your valuable time in these threads…and how do you use that time in those threads? Enabling. Normalizing.
It is your contribution, your choice :wink:

“If God gives us free will, we are responsible for what we do or what we fail to do. “

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This is my morning participation. After about 10:30, I’m DFTD. My job in the morning is very intense and supposedly causes a lot of stress. So I come here, you…make me laugh…and help releave it…and I thank you. :sunglasses:

Then thank The Lord, I get to hide behind The Cross. :innocent:

So it has nothing to do with time it takes to call out reprehensible behavior. You simply see nothing wrong it