thats pretty much the gist of what he said. when asked what if teh allegations against kavenaugh were proven true he said
``If that were true, I think it would be hard for senators not to consider who he is today,’’
How convenient she doesn’t remember the date or location of the party this allegedly occurred, which conveniently makes it unlikely he could show he was somewhere else at the time.
We don’t hold politicians accountable for their actions prior to becoming a politician. Likewise, we shouldn’t hold a judge accountable for his actions before obtaining his judgeship.
“I think she’s mistaken,” Hatch told CNN about Christine Blasey Ford, who has come forward to say Kavanaugh pinned her down and assaulted her nearly four decades ago. “I think she’s mistaking something, but I don’t know, I mean, I don’t know her."
If it was in response to a specific question, what was the question? I mean I won’t rule out he said something that stupid and horrible, but I need to see the actual context in which it was made to believe it.
It is called a hypothetical question. Good lord did they not teach you common English communication techniques back in middle school during the civil war.