One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

Crazy as a ■■■■ house rat does crazy ■■■■■

So only two said they still supported him, the others didn’t respond (so we don’t know if they support or not so their signature still stands) and two declined comment (so their signitures still stand).

Someone that is supposed to mean That acounts for about 30 to 36 . . . what did the others say then or where the mnore than two dozen the other 61 women?

Well, one side wants it to be true and the other side wants it not to be true. It looks like both sides are going to be telling their story under oath, now.
Is it another Roy Moore or another Duke Lacrosse?

He knew about this and that it was going to come up and thats why he had the letter ready to fire away. These guys dont go into the room having choreographed the dance first.

Then why did Fienstien break her confidentiality after the hearings?

Cons dont want to believe it. Libs want to believe it. We are all so basic, cheap and easy ourselves. So far that meant everybody here. No exceptions.

Good news is now we know who’s running the country.

Its just so boring and basic. Why cant one side flip evry now and then. It just doesnt happen.

Your deciding to believe it doesn’t make it true.

Your deciding not to believe it doesn’t make it not true.

Oh sorry, thought you were referring to something else.

Apparently Kavanaugh’s mom, also a judge, sat on a case concerning Ford’s parents back in the 1990s.

Also, Dems are stonewalling and don’t think Ford and K should testify this week.

This doesn’t smell like a politcal hit job at all.

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if ~SHE~ (you know the alleged victim) actually cared. She would have put his name out in the theoropy session. ~SHE~ would have gone public with it as soon as it was announced he was the candidate for supreme. ~SHE~ would have made sure she was at the hearing to testify.

But hey ~SHE~ didn’t do crap other than pass it to a senator and say “keep my name out of it”


Actually it was the Ds accomplices at the WP who revealed her identity, simply so there would be no D fingerprints on it.


Um…that makes him her opponent, does it not?

They should admit the polygraph to the committe, and right after it her current recollection of what happened and the conficting information her therapist put in the note. How about that for a deal?

So the polygraph test was wrong is what your saying. Wrong in HIS case, but it’s damning evidence that it occurred in HER case?

You want to go down that road sir?


And your deciding to believe it doesn’t make it true either. See how this works?

Any libs want to weigh in on Keith Ellison? There is actual evidence he may be a domestic abuser.


From the same party… and who is agreeing with Rs that it is disgusting that she sat on this for two months.

I’m not sure what you’re disputing. He’s from the same party. He’s running against her. He’s her opponent. Why is this so hard to understand?

Was he an astronaut?