One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

I did what?

Why are you afraid to answer?

I have done it…and I’m wondering if that makes me a rapist?

I also had lot of success as well. I knew early on if you can get past a certain point you’re home free.

But again I was groomed at early age by a woman that was 12/13 years older then I was.

So I use the knowledge…or experience with her and passed that along to younger girls.

What a dishonest post.

Post it. And that’s not what he said. He said she was screaming.

It’s what I do.

Yeah, but it ain’t you two.

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So the “body language” was caused by whatever you were doing. That’s assault.

Gold lord…just stop.

No means no.


You did it before she said no. Assault.

Out with it.

What an ignorant post.

You don’t “get it”.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Did you touch her private part before she said no?

And don’t tell me body language BS. Young girl will put out conflicting signals…or you miss read em.

Thanks. I appreciate it. You trapped yourself with Conan. It’s funny. Virtue signaling.

Did you hold a hand over their mouth?

You are having an argument with reality, not me.

No. Do you have proof Kavanaugh did? You can’t even put him in the room.

I wonder if he asked her first. If not asked, it must be assault.

What reality? Why did she say no? “No” what?

Prove it happened. You can’t even put him in the room, much less his hand over her mouth.

That is what is alleged, stay on the topic. If you are going to ask hypotheticals, make them relevant :roll_eyes: