One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

I’m positive I never said they had one.

That’s not true. Your next sentence proves your error:

Right, and they did that because:

And if I had wheels I’d be a wagon.

Right. That’s why:

Right, and:

Remind me why we’re mad at the FBI?

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Please quote were I said I’m mad at the FBI.

That would be the libs/dems who are demanding the FBI investigate the matter.

That’s why i asked twice what we’re mad at here. I’m legit confused

imo you and damn near everyone else in this thread is relying on muscle memory and hitting out at all the things their reflexes tell them to. Everyone’s over complicating it. The whole premise of the discussion in this thread is wrong.

There are two characters anyone can logically throw scorn at here.
As far as I can tell, every single actor besides these two has played their role exactly is as expected of them. There are only two variables.

The two choices are Brett Kavanaugh or Christine Ford.

You think she’s lying? Ok, now what?

Libs/Dems are mad at the FBI for simply putting the letter in the file. They DEMAND the FBI go outside their jurisdiction and investigate and PROVE the alleged Victim is right.
Cons/Repubs beleive the FBI has done exactly what they should. Add the letter to his file along with everything else they’ve collected and turn it over to the senate committee.

No muscle memory at all. one side is demanding the FBI investigate this allegation as it would any criminal matter and determine if Kavanaugh is guilty. Other said says it’s not the FBI’s juristiction.

It’s going to come down to believabilty of the two. The alleged Viction is going to have all kinds of credibility problems when she testifies that she can’t remember nearly everything of the night except the person involved. That’s a HUGE credibility issue in most minds. You can’t remember how you got to the party. You think it was sometime during the summer. You can’t remember who’s house you were at. You can’t remember how you got home. How is it that you can remember who was there in the bedroom?

Do I think something happened to her when she was 15. Probably – I’ve read one article online where she told someone later that she was assulted and could only sleep in a bedroom with 2 exits/entrances. Was it Kavanaugh? Right now it’s kind of doubful with all her “memory loss” of other important parts of the night.

I’m not mad at the FBI for putting the letter in the background check file. I commend them for doing so instead of just brushing it aside. She wants her story out. Get under oath and answer the questions from the committee members both the R’s (the one’s that will grill her the most) and the D’s (the one’s that will softball her).

That’s called kayfabe. You’re buying it a little too hard.

Now we’re talking.

But it’s Kavanaugh who says he can’t remember and that his best friend was too much of a drunk to be relied on. Said drunk agrees. Also, turns out said drunk has been using a drunken party boy character in his books named Bart O’Kavanaugh. Ouch.

You say that but you’ve chosen to ignore the public information I just stated above. Also what you mean by “that’s” is literally a creation of your imagination at this point. You created a promised straw man of SHE WILL have credibility problems. You’ll have to prove that first before you can light it on fire.

Ya Brett, answer the questions!

Hmm ok, except now imagine saying this from your seat on the judiciary committee live on tv in front of the entire country in an election season. See what I’m getting at?

Two people enter, one leaves and the wild card of it all is if you start fighting the wrong way the crowd buries you alive in the center of the coliseum. I would not put any money on team Kavanaugh at this point.

She needs to prove it. The burden of proof is on her

If you’re an elected republican who expects/hopes to be around long after Trump right now you’re also calculating if you want to spend the rest of your life fighting this specific battle, because either way it never goes away, but only one way do you ever have to deal with it past next month.

You’re starting to look at that possible nominee list again and seeing some easier names.

Oh sweet sweet summer child. That’s not how any of this works.

Yeah it does. Otherwise it is just her word against his. And really it’s just his because she wants nothing to do with testifying.

Don’t confuse the judiciary committee with a courtroom.

What battle?

The politics of whether Kavanaugh is morally fit for a lifetime appointment.

If I had to bet I’d expect more things to come out between now and the vote. Maybe gambling, some bad office behavior. Is it all going to be worth defending for a lifetime when candidates B, C,D, don’t have these problems?

The upcoming election can’t hold off a nomination. It’s clear that it will influence this nomination.

What’s stopping republicans from having rushed this through already, liberal tears? Nope. There are cracks in the ranks, and they must be somehow filled amidst all this. How much faith in the Republican Party to do that do you have?

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All of that would have shown up in kavanaughs previous background checks.

Kavanaugh has said he doesn’t remember being at a party as the alleged victim has described. And her description is a pary sometime maybe in the summer of '82. Two story house. Maybe as few as 5 people (therapist got it wrong. I was there, Kavanaugh and judge were in the bedroom and there were two others their). At least one bedroom and bathroom upstairs with along hallway. She can’t remember who’s house, how she got there, how she got home and other details. And your faulting HIM for saying – I don’t remember being at a party as she describes???

You can’t truely be serious can you?

Innocent until proven guilty.

So far no proof other than her not remember key details (reason for the party – just saw that one in a new write up this morning, how she got there, how she got home, who’s house it was, when it was – other than a vage I ~think~ it was summer.

Yet to people like you just her saying it happened is enough to convict him.

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If I were the FBI, I think I would start by questioning Bart/Brett’s friend Mark Judge, who wrote a book about his days at Georgetown Prep with the nominee:

  1. Is “Bart O’Kavanaugh” in your book based on, or a pseudonym for Brett Kavanaugh?
  2. Do the activities of Bart/Brett in your book describe factual events?
  3. During your time with Bart/Brett at Georgetown Prep, do you know of your friend Bart/Brett drinking heavily (while underage) and doing questionable things under the influence of alcohol?
  4. Did you and Bart/Brett frequently attend parties with girls from Holton Arms? Was alcohol often present and consumed?
  5. What other classmates might we be able to talk to who may have information about these subjects?
  6. Are you aware whether Bart/Brett still drinks to excess?
  7. When Bart/Brett said at a 2015 speech something along the lines of “What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep, and that’s probably a good thing,” do you know what he might have been referring to?
  8. You’re aware you’re under oath, right? And that lying to the FBI is a crime whether you are or not?

And then take it from there. Other lines of inquiry for Dr. Ford’s husband/therapist/contemporary friends–did Dr. Ford ever mention Kavanaugh by name when describing what allegedly happened to her? When/how?

I would think the end product would not be any kind of charges, because that would be outside the FBI’s jurisdiction, but rather a report of their findings along the lines of a targeted supplemental background check. The fact they apparently didn’t find anything during previous background checks could just mean they didn’t find the right people to talk to, and/or the relevant people (including the accuser) didn’t want to be found or to talk. Or it could of course mean that the alleged events didn’t occur, didn’t occur as described, or can’t be confirmed one way or another.

In any event, I suspect that a he said/she said partisan grilling could easily have unintended consequences, for either side.

Would the FBI have the power of supenea? What if any potential person who was involved or there doesn’t want to testify? No criminal act was reported.

I don’t know whether the FBI would be able to subpoena or not. But the Committee certainly could if they thought it was important.

wasn’t there a third person in the room? i’d be very curious to see if he’d go under oath.

Law enforcement can not get a subpoena to question a person. Those are to appear in court or a grand jury. A person is under no obligation to talk to any law enforcement person other than to offer their identity (either id card/dl or name and dob and/or social security number) to prove who they are.