One and only Kavenaugh Hearings Thread (part 1)

NAMBLA likes your post. “Capable of breeding” = “adult”.

IMO she took a ton of convincing, up to the last minute, and still may decide to not follow through. And you have no evidence to frame her as some activist…

What did I say at the time? Dude. Copy and paste would be nice.

Seee? Ms Ford could have reported it and the perp would now be known. Its unlikely his name would be Brett Kavanaugh.

If she doesn’t let them know by tomorrow 10 am, they hearing will be cancelled. Clocks tick tick tocking . .

Why in God’s name did you have to go there?

It’s ■■■■■■■ ridiculous. It’s not not understanding how the birth control pill works-slash-bitching about insurance covering the pill when you know damn well your wife is on it ignorant, but Jesus Christ.

It’s bad enough I already have to deal with this ■■■■ just to play video games.

There is no evidence on either side. Let her speak before congress, Then vote.

Oh are we playing the old forum is purged so I’m just gonna say the opposite of what I said then game? Sad!

Libs’ world views are posted here. Do you think there are not consequences of such world views?

I know a good travel agent. He can get her a decent fare. She need to book it or go away.

I have read nothing that substantiates your post. Do you have a link?

What views are those?

Cristina King Miranda says it DID happen.

How can a a seventeen year old possibly be held accountable for his actions? Poppy ■■■■ I say!

Ok. So there were 1000 comments regarding Trayvon that happened over five years ago and you just happen to remember exactly what Altair said. Ok sure, I believe you. Can we move on now? :rofl:

I do. I remember arguing with you about it. Don’t front like everyone here ain’t quite aware I remember this kind of thing.

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Who said he was 17? Try 15. And why are you convinced that it happened at all?

She was fifteen. He’s two years older.

Saying fifteen doesn’t make it any better even if it were true.

Some people have amazing memories. You would be astounded. Also, it’s easier to remember some of the more deplorable posts from some people.