A guy on youtube Taped a plastic bag on his drivers window with a notice stating that he doesnt answer questions and also put his drivers license, registration, and Proof of Insurance in it. His notice said if the police wanted any information from him, they could call his lawyer. He then drove through roadside sobriety checks and after his note was read, they just passed him through.
Oh maybe if you get in an accident as a passenger, so they have a way to figure out who you are if you are either unable to talk because you are unconscious or dead??
The cop pulled him over for not displaying registration? That is fair, the law is we have to have registration displayed to drive legally.
Once you are pulled over, legally you have to identify yourself and provide your registration.
Could they have just used his passport to handle this? I honestly dont know, i would think if you are operating a vehicle and pulled over for a valid traffic stop you would have to show your drivers license.
It’s as simple as that! If you don’t comply you become culpable in your own demise. Tragic ending for this young man who undoubtedly learned his attitude from a university of George Floyd/Defund police stupidity. Who told this young man you don’t need a license & valid registration to drive a car and to spew such nonsense to law enforcement during a routine traffic violation, whoever did is also culpable in this untimely death.