Condition 1) They can now blame it on the private sector.
Condition 2) It now impacts non-tech white collar workers. (Hiring levels have fallen back to pre-Donald Trump years)
Condition 1) They can now blame it on the private sector.
Condition 2) It now impacts non-tech white collar workers. (Hiring levels have fallen back to pre-Donald Trump years)
Ratings firms are blameless holy creatures incapable of sin.
Yeah, hiring levels of white collar non-tech workers have fallen all the way back the Clinton-era levels.
(low hiring levels ae into as bad as high unemployment, but umm, Wow!)
I notice the biggest dip is during Obama treacherous reign.
Don’t worry everyone.
Most likely you’ll read and hear and watch plenty about this as soon as the election is over.
The media knows about it plenty, most likely they just don’t want to influence the election by providing silly ol’ facts.
(The next FDIC “Quarterly Bank Profile” comes out this month sometime. I’ll be sure and share it when it does.)
do they have these charts that go back to 1950? it would be interesting to see JFK, LBJ and Carter in context
do they have these charts that go back to 1950? it would be interesting to see JFK, LBJ and Carter in context
I think if you searched enough you could find an old (circa 2008) newspaper chart showing
“The 2008 crisis is way bigger than the S&L crisis of the late '80s early '90s.”
A lot of data available on the Internet dates back only to the advent of the modern Internet so, finding anything much earlier than 1990 or so can be a bit time-consuming.