Ok Libs, get your race cards ready!

Hurry up! Times a wastin’ . Your media elites and political masters have already begun their mindless mantra for you all to repeat. This is there genius tactic to win the election, since they have absolutely nothing else to run on. Here it is for you- All together now: ANYONE WHO DOESN’T VOTE FOR KAMALA IS A RACIST, SEXIST, MISOGYNIST!"

Make sure you memorize it and repeat it every single day to anyone who disagrees with you! Shut them right up with your brilliant discussion of issues that affect America!

Go team…


“Misogynist!” screams the perpetually single beta males praying for a date.

“Racist!” screams the basement dwellers from their keyboards.

Don’t be fooled by losers, folks. :wink:


Oh gawd!!! Not again.

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She may be around long enough to use it a bunch.

But probably not.

They put on the music, the hand pick audience claps and the announcer makes it sound like something amazing is going to happen and then VP cackle starts talking…

She won’t pass the audition and the planation masters will replaces her in the convention…

I don’t think it’s gonna work anymore. I credit, Jesse Smollett (Thanks Jessie) for helping to further decay the word.

It’s all they have and the Lib sheep will chant it brainlessly, endlessly and tirelessly.

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Nope just the people who say

“I won’t vote for her because she is a woman”


“I won’t vote for her because she is black”

They are the likely racists, misogynists, sexists.

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Any relation ?

So if it’s wrong to not vote for a candidate just because she’s a woman, or because she’s black, is it equally wrong to vote for a candidate JUST because she IS a woman or black?

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…and so it begins. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Joy Reid Goes On Racist Rant About Black People And Kamala Harris: VIDEO

“I just got to say it. Given the just stratospheric entrance of Vice President Kamala Harris into the presidential campaign, and she has now secured enough delegates to become the nominee. You’re going to look real crazy being on the other side of that line, particularly as a person of color. But really as anyone who claims to have any connection to “the culture.” You’re going to look real weird and real lonely on that side. The door needs to close behind Amber [Rose], and she looked crazy over there. But shut the door behind her. You’re really going to look crazy being on that side given the cultural phenomenon of Vice President Kamala Debby Harris. She’s about to make history. She’s about to become the first woman President.”

How much more racist can it get than cackles ancestors owning slaves in Jamaica??

Trump better tone it down. He released a statement recently referring to Harris as dumb as a rock. He needs to be the only person that doesn’t say that.

Sure, because we weren’t called racists when we didn’t vote for Obama…:roll_eyes:


That she is a woman and “black” is who she is.

pai mei no2

That’s called virtue…