Oh Goody! ChatGPT maker OpenAI plans to introduce tools to counter election disinformation

Fox guarding the henhouse?
The “intelligence source” that can’t say good things about President Trump and presents lefty Op-Ed pieces as fact has now decided to prevent others from using ChatGPT for anything it deems “misinformation.”

In a major development to ensure election integrity across the globe, the world’s leading artificial intelligence (AI) firm OpenAI has announced to launch tools to counter disinformation.

The ChatGPT maker, in a blog post, stated that the company is “working to prevent abuse, provide transparency on AI-generated content, and improve access to accurate voting information”.

The move is considered significant amid the dangers of fake news and misinformation affecting the electoral processes around the world with a slew of countries going to polls including Pakistan, India, US and the European Union.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in its Global Risk Report has also declared AI-driven misinformation as the “biggest short-term threat” to the global economy.

Vowing to stop the harmful use of its technology — ChatGPT and DALL·E, OpenAI sought to invite all stakeholders to protect the integrity of elections. . . .

Yep. The intent is to control the narratives around the world. I just posted a video from Europe attempting to do the same thing and announced that “controlling misinformation/disinformation” was their foremost task over the next 2 years.


Control the narratives and promote disinformation is what it sounds like they are really after.

Will not affect me personally as I do not let anyone else tell me what to think.

I make up my own mind. Millions of the most naïve or gullible will probably buy into it though.

When you think about it it seems overkill on the part of the left however as they already have most of the media trying to control narrative and spread disinformation.


So I understand…do you guys support misinformation/disinformation?
Or do you think it is impossible to differentiate between Valid info and bad info?


What disinformation is being promoted now?

So not a one of you has actually suggested why this might be bad, just throw out some scary sounding one liners. Did anyone read the article? Most of it seemed to discuss measures put in place for DALL-E to prevent the use of the platform to generate fake material of candidates, as well as having tools available to detect deep fake media. I would think that’s something everyone could get behind…

To those who seem concerned, specifically, what part of the article got you there?


this will be double plus good…

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It means we think ChatGPT has repeatedly proven itself to be the subset of AI that is dushonest, woke and untrustworthy.

It (they) has no business trying to tell other what misinformation is.


Is ChatGPT the only AI out there?

Do you have examples of this woke? Preferably from a less biased source.

We saw during the “pandemic” what so-called fact-checkers can do. Anything that could cut into Big Pharma’s revenue and its government cohorts was flagged as false information.


Umm no.

Did you really think it might be?
Please read the thread title again.
Skim the article then get back to me.

I feel so much better now that there is a company that will determine universal truth around the world and that will ban all deviations from the truth. Who but liars could find a problem with that?


Like misinformation about laptops?


I think it’s impossible for you…yes.


differentiate? by the time most people graduate high school they’re lucky if they can read at a 6th grade level. ignorance is bliss, vote for your government cheese and free needles


Lol you say that like it’s a bad thing.

Oh my! How shall I respond.

Yes…because I do not trust anyone who would be the judge of what is and what isn’t. Free speech.

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…according to 51 retired intelligence officers?


Sure. Lemme dig around and find them again.

While I am looking, answer me this.
If the same AI chatbot (there are many) gave the following two answers back-to-back
would you consider the first one (on the left) a lie? Or an opinion?