Oh Good Lord. Shifty is at it again

That’s funny. Is your OP what Schiff said?


If it’s nonpartisan why wouldn’t people take it seriously?

The only people being partisan about any of this are Trump supporters. Ironic

And lunatics like Shifty are somehow Superior? Good God man, can you possibly go more than three posts without saying “Trump supporters?” Next time you say it I’m going to flag you for being boring. :yawning_face: Then ban you (from communicating with me).

That’s it your done. I’m banning you for boredom.


so Trump admin can’t be held accountable by Congress.

Shifty is a Congressman, this is part of his Job.

How would you like me to refer to Trump supporters?

No. Not exactly. The Trump administration cannot be held accountable by people who hate him. Shifty cannot see clearly through his hate. He is not trustworthy.

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The commission would be nonpartisan

can we get a list of people in Congress allowed to perform the duties of their office.

The only partisan statements being made about any of this are by those who defend Trump

Didn’t you read the OP? “Spectacular” is the last word I’d use to describe the President’s actions during this crisis. Unless the OP meant spectacularly bad. I somehow doubt that though. Over 200k just three days after we broke 100k. We should celebrate. After all wasn’t the numbnuts in Chief bragging about hitting 200k being proof we’re handling it really well? Oh wait. He said deaths. 200k deaths. My bad.

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Oversight cannot be done by your haters. Haters will always find you guilty. Shifty is not undecided. His decision has been pre determined.

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If only there was a Congressional committee on Healthcare.

He’s driven by hate. Haters cannot be investigators.

can I get a list of Congressman allowed to perform their duties.

Another partisan statement.

According to who? Schiff leading it?

False. You are being partisan. Schiff wants a nonpartisan commission.