Officer Noor to plead not guilty

When Amber Guyer is found innocent of killing a man in his own home, I wonder will the racist sympathizers will try to explain that she thought she was in her own apartment and feared for her life when she saw the big black shadow.

Meanwhile I’ll stick with what I said earlier that justice is never blind when it comes to police shootings. Police get away with things the average citizen could never get away with. Especially if the officer is white and the unarmed victim is not.

Cuz I’m looking at cases throughout history and they all end the same way; "he lunged at officers while reaching for his waistband and the officer feared for his life.

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Don’t expect much. Most normal people such as you and I support police. We understand that it’s a tough gig that needs to be done. We also despise corrupt police and want them removed and jailed. And we also despise people who use corrupt police officers as a way to taint honorable ones. It’s not really complicated. In cases such as this, most people are in agreement.

The Washington Post tracks police shootings. In 2017 there were 20 unarmed black men shot and killed by police. In 2018 there were 15, one of which I’d assume is Amber Guyger’s shooting.

If you break them down case by case you’ll find that nearly all were clearly justified despite the man being “unarmed.” For instance:

  • it was a knock down drag out fight that the cop was losing badly and he was being choked to death before he shot the unarmed black man.

  • another cop was losing a fight and was having his head repeatedly bashed into the concrete by the unarmed black man who was on top of him pummeling him.

  • a black man strapped a bomb to his chest and was threatening to blow up hostages and was shot and killed by a sniper before he could detonate the bomb. Afterwards they determined the bomb was fake so he became an “unarmed” black man.

  • quite a few where there was a life or death fight over the officers own gun (something like half of the officers shot and killed each year get shot with their own gun).

Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Because if you’re trying to convince me, you’ve done a piss poor job. Thank you and have a good day.

An interesting thing, tho…when video is involved, the claims of “grabbing for the policeman’s gun” seem to be made out of whole cloth.

I remember one video of a black man with his hands way up in the air, totally cooperating, and you keep hear the police officer screaming “Stop reaching for my gun!”

I saw a video of the police choking a guy to death on the sidewalk for selling loose cigarettes and the only person that went to jail was the bystander that was recording the incident.

They got the bag!

And 5 years later that NY officer is getting an administrative hearing to determine if he should keep his job.

And his lawyer is arguing that the cop grabbed him by the neck and tried to save his life by preventing Eric Garner from falling.

Cop still making $120K per year.

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