Officer Darren Wilson will be set for life


How much?

Darren Wilson is a public figure as well, albeit an involuntary one.

I recall your claim that the word “classified” does not appear in any law. I think I’ll seek legal opinions elsewhere.


By all means, flounce out. It wont change anything.

I’ll take your bet, by the way. Or will you welch on that as well?

He is also correct about Wilson being a public figure. Practically a textbook example.

Perhaps. I believe it can be shown that both Warren and Harris knew the killing of Brown was not a murder.

as well? As well as what?

That’s not the burden of proof required.

Actual Malice is what is required to prove.

I remember that as well. He was incorrect on that. And obstinate about it.

Just your general tendency to try to change the subject whenever you’re backed into a corner. It screams “welcher”.

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Jurors return verdicts all the time that attorneys disagree with.

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And judges throw cases out long before a jury is convened.

All the time?

Like the Sandmann case?

You’re wrong again.

In the context of defamation actions ( libel and slander ) as well as invasion of privacy, a public figure cannot succeed in a lawsuit on incorrect harmful statements in the United States unless there is proof that the writer or publisher acted with actual malice by knowing the falsity or by reckless disregard for the …

More cases are thrown out by judges than ever make it to a jury trial.

By a factor of ten, at least.

I’m not wrong. You even highlighted it for me.

So not all the time.

Malice means knowing the falsity of the statement ot acting with reckless disregard of the truth.
That is exactly what I said that you denied.

My original post

The defamation must be done with malice. They must know the accusation is false or show reckless disregard for the truth.