Ocasio-Cortez Townhall: "We've Got To Start Eating Babies" Due To Climate Crisis

There were good people there. Many good people do not want our history destroyed due to the weenie feelings of punk kids who can’t deal with the reality of today.

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I’m sorry. “fine people”

And you’re still wrong.

There were good people on both sides of the protest and that’s exactly what Trump said.

It wasn’t’ only white supremacists and counter protesters present.

Lib voters coming out of the woodwork again. Why toss out a perfectly edible child?

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So, this was all a political stunt. It figures…

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Only if someone comes out with the vegan version of baby meat made from plants


I’ll raise you another Neigh a Whinny and two horse laughs.

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Oh…so I’m right again? Wow. Thanks. :sunglasses::tumbler_glass:

Call them Cabbage Patch Kids!

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That’s just insane. I mean, why eat babies when we can start with Trump supporters and go from there? The meat is better seasoned, tenderized, and marbeled. :grin:

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A plant to feed to AOC stalkers, and how they line up :point_up_2::laughing:

I’m not surprised that AOC wants to eat babies. She’s the face of the Democratic party. Nothing is too evil for them.

Maybe AOC was an adult and ignores the nut.

Nah, most Trump supporters are older. Tougher meat. I’ll stick with mouth-watering monkeys

Right? I mean, in the past Donald has ignored crazy people at his rallies. Doesn’t encourage them at all!

Just have to marinate them a little longer.

I guess this too is an example of punk kids not being able to deal with the reality :smirk:

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Nice mischaracterization. Trump has also retweeted white supremacist linked posts.

First libs claim she was mentally ill, now a Trump supporter.

It doesn’t change the fact that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did not openly oppose the idea of eating babies. Therefore she wants to do it and so does every critic of Donald.