Ocasio-Cortez fires back at Fox for making fun of her income

Clever… I’ll give you a small clap of the hands for that.

But now I need to know what in my posting history you’re referring to? I tend to be a straight shooter, and Im not beholden to the left on everything. This enquiring mind would like to know…

Um no, I made the comment that sometimes people do get to keep them as an overall clarification. I never said she did get to keep them. I never made that claim. It’s more than likely she didn’t.

youre making a really big deal out of this… the very fact you even think it’s worthwhile posting that thought made my response worthwhile.

You’re welcome… :wink:

Which question? That was in reply to this:

youre making a really big deal out of this… the very fact you even think it’s worthwhile posting that thought made my response worthwhile.

You’re welcome… :wink:

and that reply was for hindsight not WOW.

This format is killing me.

That little arrow on the bottom right of every post makes it easy to see which post you’re replying to.

yes, and the reply you posted to me is in response to one of my posts that responded to a post with no question from wayoutwest.

and for some reason I was replying to you and wayoutwests name was posted instead as I added a quote from him.

So again, what question of his do you think I as stumped on?

Can you please name one book deal with any politician which involved a quid pro quo bribery scheme for votes favorable to the publisher? I’m not saying it hasn’t happened. It just sounds eminently retarded.

You’re right, my mistake.

Yeah, this new board aint the best. Ive had plenty of issues as well…

I have to say, I hope you wake up tomorrow and re-read the back-and-forth we’ve had. Where it started, what was said, the satire, tongue in cheek… you’ve taken this far too serious man. I was just busting your chops over the sentence where you made a deal over her possibly getting the clothes for free. Youre very next response was something about me hyperventilating, so clearly I had to run with it… I mean, if you tee it up like that, clearly Im gonna step up and swing. it was all for fun, nothing more… when you read my posts in the future, keep that in mind. Im generally a very sarcastic ass on these boards. Besides, we have far more pressing issues to deal with at the moment… any day now, the invasion is going to begin… :wink:

Have a good one.

lol - every clothing ad conan has ever seen, he believed the models were wearing their own clothes!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That is some truly funny ■■■■ man… :rofl:

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And there is the problem…it’s hard to convey sarcasm through this medium.

I’ve said it numerous times on this board, we need a sarcasm smiley.

…and remember… I’m not a man, baby. :wink::joy:

…keep trying.

And she got no guff for the man spreading.
Umm person spreading.

I am no AOC supporter, but this is really despicable what we’re seeing from the right/Fox News channel. I know it’s a common theme, but still.

AOC makes less than 30k per year.

She was always a member of the working class.

Far-right websites claim “but she wore great clothing in a photo shoot”. But here’s the thing guys: She didn’t OWN those clothing.

Per campaign finance rules, she cannot use any of her campaign funds to rent an apartment in DC. And if she did, you guys would be peg her as a “corrupt politician”.

Leave it to the right-wing, who claims they care about the lower class, to mock somebody who is pointing out a reality: living in DC is extremely expensive, and she doesn’t get her paycheck until she starts working in DC.

On top of all that, that cannot pronounce her name properly.

Going after her policies is fine by me, but the personal attacks is rather uncalled her.


Don’t really care about this whole thing, but admit this is pretty good:

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Why are cons so obsessed with Cortez. They sound threatened.

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It’s a pretty interesting phenomena… One representative out of 435 members and they are obsessed…

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This doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Ocasio-Cortez ran on Universal Health Care,

Fully funded University education
Guarantee Housing.

How is she going to provide these things if she doesn’t have rent for an apartment?
Something doesn’t add up.

How can we support Universal Healthcare if Ocasio-Cortez is poor?

This is a real head-stumper folks.