Objective Journalism from CNN? Really?

There’s nothing really to defect from because the OP is based on an assumption that can’t be proven without seeing the lead in to the clip. The point of showing another example is that the OP is targeted at CNN, a typically left leaning cable news network and my examples show that Fox News, a right leaning cable news network does the same thing.

That’s certainly a large contributing factor to the division in our country. Unfortunately what’s happened is that there’s been such a large effort from right wing media to discredit mainstream media due to an imperfect track record and left leaning editorial staffs that many on the right have been convinced that anything the “left leaning” mainstream media puts out is a lie and therefore anything that runs counter to that , aka fake news, is the truth. Their ■■■■■■■■ detectors have been completely compromised.

The solution is not to blindly trust the mainstream media, but to become better read consumers of news and current events. Get your news from multiple sources. Look to see if a media source posts corrections when they get something wrong. And learn to tell the difference between straight news and editorial content.

You must have thought you had a point here somewhere. What might it be?

The entire thing was about 80% opinion and 20% fact.

It was not “breaking news” it was democratic propaganda.


Semantics…crawler or upper left…?

It’s still breaking news right???


No, it was at least 80% editorializing.

There was collusion, but was not deemed conspiracy.

Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault. they reported it. That is what journalists do.

They screwed up with that kid, and the apologized, and paid. Something that responsible journalists do.

Where do you get your news?

The rest of you rant is not worth replying to.

There was no collusion period and Mueller said so.

No Kavanaugh was savaged as though the allegations were true.

They didn’t “screw up with that kid” it was intentional and it’s costing them millions.

In your world, I assume that makes sense.

Enjoy your reality.

Those are actual facts as opposed to what you are peddling here under the guise of fact.

> # Mueller finds no collusion with Russia, leaves obstruction question open

A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest. (Simon and Garfunkel. “The Boxer”)

You use a summary of Barr’s bull ■■■■ letter to make you point?


When the report is completely released, you will be proven wrong.


Speaking of rants that aren’t worth replying to.

Wow…anyone who would say what was done to Kavanaugh and his family was “what journalists do is not worth responding to. Sorry…

That was not a rant, that was a response to your post.

I linked directly to the ABA.

No collusion.

According to Barr and Trump.

IOW, total Bull ■■■■■

Sorry I don’t see it that way.

You’re defense of cnn’s complete failures is

Well I don’t want to get banned.


Too much of “journalism” has become taking some popular meme and reinforcing it rather than accurately reporting. Both sides do it, but CNN has been the industry leader. That channel has found the most negative spin on everything right if center in this country since at least the Obama administration…

That outfit is horrible. It breaks my heart that people treat those frauds as credible.

If you disagree it’s a free country and we ll agree to disagree…we are done here.

“Music keeps you under control
Fashion dictates your role
Religion keeps you down below
This I know
Music keeps you under control”
-Snog. Is There No One Who Can Save Us From Today?

Not much…


Did not find sufficient evidence.

If there was no collusion what was the meeting to get dirt on hillary for?


Not enough evidence means exactly that.


And Mueller confirmed it during the hearings. No collusion.

It didn’t happen, get over it.