Obama. The Worst President in American History?

So you’re saying I’m too stupid to know when I’m being played and you can do better? (:wink: wink, wink, nudge, nudge :smile: )

I know right? Just look at how detailed his response was before that.

And face charges of RACISM? They were not gonna do that.

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Obama was pretty much the “AOC” of presidents. :smile:

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Jimmy Carter was happy to get off the bottom though.

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It’s so true!!! and so sad, and pathetic, and funny all at the same time!!! lmao!


Do you guys ever get tired of making-up stupid ■■■■■ :laughing:

It really sucks trying to prove the opposition wrong, especially since they’re in the majority. The worst part about it, is that even though that they’re in the majority,
they still whine and complain about the minority in life/aka the Conservatives!

It’s really hard to put up with it as a Conservative, time, after, time, after time, again, and again, and again.

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Just do what I do:
Voice your opinion and see how many people agree with you.

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Just the facts.

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No, making-up stupid ■■■■ doesn’t make them ‘‘facts’’. :laughing:

I’m pretty sure even after the minorities in this country such as illegal immigrants become the majority, the Democrat Politicians, will still call them the “minority”.

Simply, because if they start calling them the majority, they might actually lose some votes from the real minority groups in this country.

Honestly, I’m surprised that Spanish isn’t topping English as the highest spoken language within America. It will only be a matter of time though.

It don’t matter to me! They’ll never get me to speak Spanish! lol. :us:

It’s why Fox News ratings are soaring! and Fake News Ratings are on the decline.
The American people can see the truth, and the facts for themselves.

Wow. There’s some real low level IQ ■■■■ right there.(pun intended) :laughing: :rofl::rofl:

At the end of the day, Trump is still President, and the Fake News Media is still whining about it! and I’m loving every minute of it! lol.

Yes, I’m aware of the reality that Trump is president. The title of this thread is evidence that some peoples have little grasp on reality. :laughing:

Trump is still President, and that is reality. Some people can’t and won’t accept reality. lol.

You’ve already stated the first sentence. (maybe your grip on reality is slipping) :grin:

Fewer people deny the reality that Trump is president, than accept the reality of the premise of this OP. :laughing:

Thanks for proving my point. I’ve been talking about projection for awhile.

See you doing it again. Stop it…Damn!
Projection, transference whatever you want to call it, you’re an expert. Your schtick is old and sophomoric.