Obama. The Worst President in American History?

The were four years during Obama’s Presidency where GDP growth was greater than 2%.

2010 - 2.6%
2012 - 2.2%
2014 - 2.5%
2015 - 2.9%

The Unemployment rate under Obama’s Presidency dropped from 7.8% down to 4.7%.

One outta 5…? Thanks.
Making excuses for him ain’t gonna cut it.
…“people who look like me…?”
Well you have a choice, same like he did have one:
Love America for the good she did, accept the repairs she did and move on focusing on your future.
Or you can curl up in the corner and cry for what WAS once before you and I were born.
If he looking like you was enough to side with him and defend him then I doubt you have enough love for yourself to make your future better.

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First, his is still the Obama economy. Second, trump is certainly a very bad president. Possibly the worst. I don’t know some of the earlier ones.

His supporters are staring at a pile of poop and swearing it’s a patriotic monument of some kind.

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I don’t make excuses. I deal in facts.
Also, what is with you all and this projecting?
That’s all you people do, project and deflect with no thoughts of your own.

Well that’s not very nice. How so?

Show me a link for your last sentence and put your money where your mouth is.
Oh…and you say it’s Obama’s Economy? Obama must have found HIS “magic Wind” that he hid for 8 years.

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They, also, seek to deny the legitimacy of something real.

It is funny that things like how many people on Food stamps and welfare were at its peek under the Obama administration, and then Dems love to point out how they were coming down at the end of his term, and think it’s because he intentionally was helping the economy, and helping people get off food stamps! lol.

No Dems, it’s because that way, he didn’t look as bad numbers wise, and that way, the next President that took over couldn’t sit there and say, why are so many people on food stamps Obama, under your reign as President?

If Hillary would have won, Food Stamps and Welfare would have been just as bad, if not worst for another 8 years in a row.

The reason the Dem Politicians push things like constant Free Food Stamps and Welfare, is because it’s free, and comes from the taxpayers, and promotes the Left-Wing Socialist Agenda!

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It’s like those people were on food stamps in a vacuum or something with no other reason than the Obama admin.

uuuuuum wha?

People have been on food stamps for awhile. Long before Obama.

What my point was, was that a lot more people including Illegal Immigrants, were on
those programs under the Obama Administration.

The main reason this was is because, Democrat Politicians want Socialism. So the more people they can get on things like Welfare and Food Stamps, the more people in America will rely on Big Government Socialism and the Democrat Politicians to take care of them entirely.

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What if the reason they were in it because there was an economic downturn and since the downturn the number was trending down? What if that happened?

Most of the crap you’re peddling in this thread is as real as ET. :wink:


Mobulis beat to the correct the answer(see his post above)


[quote=“carpe_diem, post:1276, topic:101343, full:true”]

So in other words, because I’m a Conservative… [/quote]

Well, it didn’t take you long to go completely wrong in that post. :wink:

Victim mode.

what or whom is In victim mode?
and how so?
and how does it relate to my original post?

I don’t usually respond to low info posts but I’ll make an exception.

When a poster feels that “because I am a conservative I’m automatically wrong” when no one has brought up conservatives, that’s victim mode.

Hope that helps.

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That’s also classic carpe diem deflection. Anything to keep people talking to him.

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