Obama. The Worst President in American History?

I see what you did here. LOL

That’s what I’m told by a certain poster. They constantly post it.

Are they wrong? :wink:

Again - Fat Donald is a nickname given by an anonymous poster

Pocahontas is a nickname given by the most powerful person in the world who is supposed to represent all Americans by setting a good example.

Big difference.

Yeah…I know fake news…right? May not be worst president now, by time he’s done, 45 will hold the crown.


You don’t realize that people here call Trump “fat Donald” as a reaction to Trump’s similar use of such names? Hoisted by his own petard, is to speak.

Like I told Greta Van Sustern yrs ago when Dingle Barry was still a Sen., Barry O was/is a Trojan Horse for the Muslim Brotherhood, by far the worse POS the likes of this country has ever seen.

So, you’re saying the rust belt LOVED the loss of manufacturing jobs and the end of coal production and steel production - all the result of Obama/Clinton policies???

Yeah, it’s just because Clinton was not likeable that one of the smallest campaigns with the least money and staff was able to trounce the huge machine of the DNC in 2016.

The policies that raped the midwest had NOTHING to do with it.


If legal, Obama would have won a third term. It’s not even arguable.

You made that up and she would have been foolish for listening.
Cool story though. :slightly_smiling_face:

I heard he’s going to make 'em bring that uranium back.

True, but Hillary didn’t do herself any favors either.

No she didnt

Yeah, there’s no doubt Fat Donald has the most substance in his behind. :grin:

So that’s settled.

Not made up and it turned out to be a fact.

Do you have anything that proves what you’re saying? You know, a link back to 2008 or earlier. Anything other than just your word for it.

You need a link to prove Barry O was a POS trojan horse for the Muslim brotherhood and sucked as a president? funny stuff

Yes, Now it’s time you put up or…

How about Egypt, for one, look it up

No, you made the accusation, your responsibility to put up the proof.

No facts at all. Until you give us a link, an article from a reliable news source then have a seat and STHU. Like I said you made that up to get message board points from your fellow Obama haters. Hell…i bet coin that they don’t even believe that nonsense.