Obama - get rid of the market-based economy

Because the market-based economy is associated with slavery, war, wealth inequality, and deteriorating environmental conditions.

Ok Obama… Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela… they’re bastions of places free from slavery and beacons of environmentalism?

■■■, over?


Who the ■■■■ is Obama? :rofl:


Isn’t he that commie with big ears?

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And to think Biden tap him to “shape” AI.

Sounds like a familiar jackass from yesteryear. Doesn’t sound at all relevant in his ivory tower though. :rofl:

My favorite part of the speech:

Meanwhile, China and Russia showed once again that capitalism actually could function quite nicely under authoritarian and/or corrupt regimes.

And there it is! The desire…


Pull the ladder up!


It’s what I’ve been saying…China are libs role model.

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For a price .

The guy behind the curtain at the WH. ugh.


Joe is gonna pardon everyone in his family and resign just in time for Michelle to run the race

That says it all!

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“The fundamental transformation of America”!

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These some amazing attempts to try to change his legacy as a corporatist president.

Bailed out corporations
Gave insurance companies additional premiums paid for by the government

But the system is bad

But just because an economic system generated wealth and innovation doesn’t mean it guarantees a good society," Obama said. “Because from the outset, market-based systems have been compatible with slavery, caste systems, colonialization, war, exploration, corruption, fraud, autocracy, the poisoning of our natural environment.”

Yeah that’s kinda the point of a successful system. Innovation is how the world grows.

That’s also a fascinatingly bad statement by him because it doesn’t suggest any good alternative other than another idealistic system

“Especially after the Great Depression and World War II, governments began making public investments in education and transportation, scientific research, and in housing projects,” Obama said.

Yes into a market based system. The innovation in which was used by the government to help society during a financial crisis.

This is as bad of a conclusion as “private enterprise ” can be as good at solving popular problems as the government can.
We cannot ignore the human factor which affects any system.

Never heard of her.

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Too many egos in that family to resign. Imo of course.

Oh I do hope so.

It has worked out very well for him and his wife, along with every other lib elite! What’s their secret to success?

Joe can’t resign…

He has to run again.

The moment he steps out of the spotlight is the moment his son and his brother run out of a product to sell.

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