Obama gave Iran billions after they paid the Taliban to kill Americans

I love how ya’ll pretend Iran wasn’t facing new sanctions year after year all the way up to the nuclear deal.

Yeah…I know. :sunglasses:

Libs are hypocrites, therefore Trump is cool.


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Fair. My position was then, and remains, that we could have gotten more concessions though on the financing of terrorism front. I understand the more unilateral approach that was taken. A non-nuclear Iran is best for the entire world. But eliminating the funding and their involvement as proxies across the ME would have also been a huge benefit for us and our allies.

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So this thread is meant to show there has been hypocrisy in politics? Wow. Revelatory.

It is funny though that in condemning one group of people, you automatically are condemning Trump and his supporters at the same time. The same hypocrisy is on display from those who attacked Obama then but are now pretending it’s all a hoax and giving Trump a pass today.

Yay! Trump is no better than Obama. That’s a weird place to hang your hat. But so be it.

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Did…did we just have the beginnings of a policy debate? Not a debate over reality. But an actual policy debate?


I know… it was refreshing.

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It was small, but maybe it catches on?

Oh who am I kidding. November can’t get here soon enough. :wink:


So… what’s not confirmed about the Russian - Taliban bounty?

I understand your point, but knowing how hard it was to get the deal that they did get, they looked at the other stuff as something to build upon for the future.

It is fair criticism of the deal, but it is also a little Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

Now… all of that progress has not only been rolled back, but we are in a worse position for any future negotiations. It is insane

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He should be impeached…

That’s my favorite part of this argument! It’s hilarioisly flawed. :joy:

I suppose. Although our sanctions were already crippling them, which is what brought them to the table. At the time, there was more unrest throughout the nation, and the possibility of them becoming a destitute nation was very real. I believe we had more leverage at that time than we have now, or that we will have any time again in the foreseeable future.

Only due to the fact it was not part of the negotiations. And I’m sure you remember, these negotiations were not exactly front page news as to the minutia and details at the time. So that only gives me the opportunity to review the deal after the fact. I believe we had as good of an opportunity as ever to have secured more lives in the immediate from Iran’s destruction across the broader ME.

Indeed. This is the most frustrating part. Even what we got has been rescinded now, with absolutely nothing in place as a replacement. It served absolutely no purpose other than to undo something that Obama had accomplished. The shortsighted nature of this administration is what is dooming them on so many fronts.

No, it mean Obama rewarded Iran with billions for killing Americans and the left don’t care.

Where did the billions come from?

I am actually ok if Biden wins, starting to see its probably going to happen as the economy was Trumps ace and the virus took the ace away. On a lighter note we can still poke fun of all the past presidents, would rather do that than rip their statues down, a much classier look for us westerners don’t you think.


“pinky out”

I believe, but could be wrong, that the money was a payment that Iran made as a down payment for a lot of F15’s and when there was a change of government we kept the money. As I said I could be wrong

I have only seen that it was Iranian assets and a quick search didn’t turn up many details. Either way, there were half a dozen nations involved, not “Obama” and we didn’t give them squat from our own coffers, but rather sanctions were lifted to gain the nuclear deal.

Looks like Obama stole it, Congress didn’t approve the transaction.

Well if what found IS true I.e. payment for jet fighters, then I guess technically we stole their money but as I said I could be wrong