NYC's Democrat Leadership will allow foreign nationals to vote in city elections

The angle is:

If the blacks see this as dilution, then it is dilution. So the original premise of the thread holds: non citizen voters dilute the votes of citizens.

Well, yes, that’s factually true. Sort of like women’s suffrage dilutes the vote of men.

Or that your vote dilutes mine, and vice versa.

As documented in the COMPLAINT, “Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, a sponsor of the bill, proposed the bill with a consistent and explicit racial purpose.”

There is a fundamental principle of constitutional law that one cannot do indirectly that which the Constitution forbids directly. Was the 14th Amendment not adopted to prohibit the use of government force to advance the interests of citizens based upon race?


Our country’s naturalization process does no such thing.

We’ll just have to see. I don’t think it goes anywhere because it doesn’t target a specific group. Everybody is affected by it.

Yes. It does! See:

Point to the specific part of the actual naturalization program- in the program itself…that makes a naturalized person make better decisions.

Higher income is because we have barriers to earning if one is not a citizen.

English? One doesn’t need to be a citizen or in a naturalization program to learn English.

So in short…there’s nothing on that page that supports your assertion that the naturalization process “prepares” a person to make better civic decisions.

PS The page you linked is a government ad, not an actual study!

And population growth. Babies dilute the vote.

Like I said the angle is to highlight that expansion of electorate is dilution of the pre-existing electorate.

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See: Chapter 1 - Purpose and Background | USCIS

See: General Eligibility Requirements for Naturalization

We are talking about foreign nationals diluting the vote.


Is that the key element of today’s post?

My take-away was that dilution was the key element.


I have no idea what you are questioning.

“[T]he right of suffrage can be denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen’s vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise.” Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U. S. 533, 555 (1964).”


let us not forget during the coming election what the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.

I guess no response is forth coming.

Too much of an increase in black men who voted for Trump. That means those men realized that democrats have been the ones who kept them in chains.

It’s the trend that scares Dems.

So NYC council is acting to dilute votes of black voters because black voters are disproportionally MAGA ?


We are talking about black citizens. Why do you reference “black voters”?


“[T]he right of suffrage can be denied by a debasement or dilution of the weight of a citizen’s vote just as effectively as by wholly prohibiting the free exercise of the franchise.” Reynolds v. Sims, 377 U. S. 533, 555 (1964).”

Ok, then black citizens.

Who said that?

Is there a translation of my post to your native language? My post is in English. See the word “increase” and “trend”? Those are key words.

Increase, sure. However, they still obviously overwhelmingly vote Democrat so why would NYC council intentionally try to dilute their vote ?