‘NYC CARE’: Mayor De Blasio to Unveil ‘Free Healthcare’ for Uninsured New Yorkers, Cost $100M | Sean Hannity

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio made a surprise announcement Tuesday; effectively “guaranteeing” universal healthcare for “every single resident” living in the Big Apple that doesn’t have insurance.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/nyc-care-mayor-de-blasio-to-unveil-free-healthcare-for-uninsured-new-yorkers-cost-100m/?fbclid=IwAR1wuo__r4i8moI07hXWAyiMyONwqtH5UvkYl4bxw1UUQ18Kl2bvZJpFE-g