NRA is in deep financial trouble and may soon 'be unable to exist'

That’s like saying teaching someone to speak means you’re protecting civil liberties. It’s a stupid ass argument. The NRA did nothing to protect civil liberties until 1934.

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My speech can move masses…your gun can do very little alone

That being said…good I hope the fold and die…

Except the 2nd isn’t about self defense, its about what you can defend yourself with.

Which is all about your ability to do so.

I work at an organization founded in 1855. We advocate for civil rights. Badly in the past and near future. Are we the oldest?

Gun ownership is a civil rights issue.

Wishful thinking

i agree. and even if they went away some other group would replace them.

for many men in the South you don’t mess with their…

  1. Guns
  2. Truck
  3. Boat
  4. Wife

And they’d send their last dime to keep the NRA going.

Well, that’s it then. It was a good run.

I didn’t read the article either.

I would add bible, but it more lip service to it.

Someone has to defend the 2nd, since the ACLU says ■■■■■ the second.”

Civil liberties my ass.

If the NRA does go under, I’ve got two NRA Yeti coolers that will go up for sale…just sayin. :sunglasses:

Not a fan of the NRA but do believe gun rights needs a lobby. If the NRA goes out of business, it’s probably because they’ve not captured the gun owners in the middle and left…of which there are many. One might argue they’ve played to a narrow segment of the gun owning population. But it’s all conjecture at this point.

Did you read the article? They’ve got plenty of money. The problem is they can’t get insurance - Mayor Cuomo of New York is blocking that. And without insurance, they can’t operate.

Funny, I don’t belong to the NRA but have the same rights to self defense and the 2nd amendment as you!

NRA is in deep financial trouble and may soon 'be unable to exist.
^^This is the title of the article.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has said it’s suffering from substantial financial issues that could cause the organisation to “be unable to exist”.
^^This is the very first sentence.

Did YOU read the article? Smh…

The NRA works to promote, protect, and preserve everyone’s rights, not just those of the membership.

Yeah, but it’s not.

Yeah, I’m gonna file this under “I’ll believe it when I see it “.