Now that CNN has offered to host a debate

By the time the debates roll around, the deep fakers will still be throwing spaghetti at the wall.


The idea of Sandy Ocasio Cortez procreating literally made me throw up in my mouth! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Jake Tapper?

LOL… CNN isn’t even pretending anymore


Cons still can’t figure out the meaning of gaslighting.

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Remember how Donald claimed in the last debate that the stock market would crash if Biden were elected. Maybe he’ll have more pearls of dumb for the next debates, which he said he was ready for anytime anyplace.

October 22, 2020: In final presidential debate, Trump says if Biden is elected, the stock market will crash.

May 16, 2024: The stock market reaches a new record high as the Dow hits 40,000 for the first time ever.

How’s everyone’s portfolio? Better than ever? Mine too!



Still lying I see. When did Trump not honor anywhere or any place?

When I saw that headline pop up on my notifications I thought about how will the maga crowd react to this.

The market is a leading indicator, they are reacting to Trump being reelected

Easy. As if turning on a dime, all of a sudden presidents have no influence over the market.

Yep. My Exxon and Chevron stocks are doing great what with higher gasoline prices. Thanks Biden.

That’s a good lol right there :rofl:

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Ha ha I got to give you credit for being creative. Please tell me you do not honestly credit Trump with this all time high?

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why shouldn’t I? Isn’t Biden still blaming Trump for illegal Immigration? Inflation? Pretty sure he blamed Trump for Hamas attacking Israel.


Lol okay then. Pols take credit for everything, we however (well some of us) live in the real world. But hey good luck with the mental gymnastics.

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OBiden will begin by hurling insults at Der Trumpmeister. Then will come “how about them 9,000 felonies” followed by “threat to ‘Mocracy and murdered police on J6”. Let’s see, oh, then here comes the “women’s rights, abortion and “LBQRSTUV” baloney.
Trump need only stick to issues that matter, smile at the old fool acting tough and let him look the fool. Joe Potato Head will lie of course about everything but everyone is on to him. If played well Trump could seal the election after these Jake Tapper dog and pony shows.


Do we live in opposite world today? Are you really trying to say that Trump does not insult and belittle everyone and anyone and he engages in meaningful dialogue?

Lmao, Trump is a bully and like pretty much all bullies he can dish it out but no way can he take it. Biden just needs to make a good natured jab and Trump will go off the deep end.

Why not? Trifecta.

Since calling out libs as liars outright isn’t allowed…it seems only fitting.


Sounds like the maga crowd if you ask me.