Now that CNN has offered to host a debate

I vote for Shannon Bream. I actually like Fox News Sunday now better than all the other Sunday Talk shows. Still royally miss Tim Russert though.

AI should host the debate.

Fox is easy. It’s right there in your list of channels. Even the younger generations can figure it out. Just push select on your remote.

Martha and Bill are extremely partisan.

Welp, can’t be them then. One of Trump’s beefs is partisan moderators, right?

Wait so it’s finally fair and balanced and that apparently is the problem :joy::joy:. Perfection.

Honesty just flows better doesn’t it

It doesn’t really matter what channel it’s on. What matters is who the moderators are.

I think Fareed Zakaria from CNN might be a good one.


I like that.

I want Megan Kelly…I actually thought se did outstanding job in 2016.

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Yeah, media died with him.


Of course you would think that.

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Welp yes. So, in fairness we shouldn’t use only lib networks. Right? So who would you chose for Fox? And who would be your nonpartisan CNN host?
Welpy, welp, welp.

CNN is as well.

Ok. That’s your CNN choice. Who would be your Fox choice?

She did. But she no longer works for a power network. She has zero chance of getting it.

Couldn’t care less about who hosts.

But I do think the mod needs his microphone shut off after he asks a question

I hadn’t thought of her.
Good call! But first Fox needs to offer a debate. I’m not sure why they haven’t.

The network is in charge of the line of questioning. So to make sure that nobody gets protected, there should be a debate held by a non Biden supporting network.

Probably. IF can find one.

Why do I need a Fox choice?

I’ll go with @conan Megan Kelly

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