Now it's time to finish the job Mr President

Correct, wrong leak and leaker.

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You might have linked to the wrong document - that’s the government’s motion to dismiss.

Which was granted, and the claim was dismissed entirely - because the Judicial Watch (et al) case had no merit.

I can’t provide a link because you don’t have access to Westlaw or Lexis.

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Sure he did…

He was a private citizen when he leaked the documents.

Which does not free him from the restrictions on leaking confidential or classified material.

Depending on the level of classification he’s bound for anywhere from 10-30 years or even longer.

What confidential or classified material did Comey leak?

Sure he is. When should we expect that indictment?

Can you remind the class what was classified in the memos he released?

Unreal. Should the number one at the FBI leak anything?

It really depends.

But he wasn’t the head of the FBI when he “leaked” his own memos.

If it was A okay why give it to a friend to do his dirty work?

Good luck. Please do it.

Not saying they should unless there’s something compelling. A “slam dunk” if you will. Mostly noting the Mueller report can be used by those outside the DoJ. And it seems Mueller states cases both for and against obstruction of justice. Easy ammo for those looking for it.

Horse hockey, the dem’s are screaming for the full report so they can use it to trump up impeachment charges and use it as election ammo.

Since when do criminal investigations exonerate anyone? They don’t exist to prove someone innocent. We can assume no probable cause was found to charge him with a crime, that’s all the exoneration anyone gets from a criminal investigation.

So basically, you dont want the american people seeing the report because you want to protect trump politically. Country first

As per your political cartoon, why hasn’t donnie released the FISA docs as he keeps saying he’s gonna do?

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Isn’t it amazing how all powerful Former President Obama, the Scourge of the CRC, is? Even today?


  1. Let the report come out and either something substantial is brought to light or the president is further vindicated.
  2. Keep the report secret and the unknown will most definitely be used as election ammo with cries of the AG covering for Trump.

Pick your poison.

Thank you for yet another steaming pile.

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You made this claim did you not?

Mostly noting the Mueller report can be used by those outside the DoJ.

Which is patently false as we all know and now you’re deflecting.