NOT A JOKE: Adam Schiff Says Trump Intentionally Killing Bald Eagles for Campaign Donations

Originally published at: NOT A JOKE: Adam Schiff Says Trump Intentionally Killing Bald Eagles for Campaign Donations | Sean Hannity

Rep. Adam Schiff took his all-out war-of-words with the White House to new heights Monday night; bizarrely claiming President Trump is intentionally killing Bald Eagles for campaign contributions.

“The bald eagle is the proud symbol of our nation. Should it become extinct, it will be a tragic symbol of our selfishness and greed. The Endangered Species Act helped rescue the eagle from its plight, but now that law is being weakened. For Trump’s donors and allies. For money,” posted Schiff on social media.

The bald eagle is the proud symbol of our nation. Should it become extinct, it will be a tragic symbol of our selfishness and greed.

The Endangered Species Act helped rescue the eagle from its plight, but now that law is being weakened.

For Trump’s donors and allies. For money.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) August 13, 2019

Schiff directly accused President Trump of advancing “conspiracy theories” as well on social media Monday; conveniently forgetting his own track record on Russia-collusion, Obstruction of Justice, and other unfounded allegations against the White House.

“Trump brings conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of the internet to the Oval Office. Lies about Obama’s birth, JFK’s death, or now, that the Clintons are responsible for murder… Trump has lied over 12,000 times. He’s the most dishonest president in our history,” posted Schiff on Twitter.

Trump brings conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of the internet to the Oval Office.

Lies about Obama's birth, JFK’s death, or now, that the Clintons are responsible for murder…

Trump has lied over 12,000 times.

He’s the most dishonest president in our history.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) August 12, 2019

Schiff weighed-in on Robert Mueller’s disastrous testimony last month; saying the “essence” of the former special counsel’s testimony is that “the President is unpatriotic.”

Rep. Adam Schiff: "Even though [Robert Mueller] was reluctant, as you can imagine, to provide the soundbite 'the President is immoral, the President is unpatriotic,' that is the essence of what he had to say."

— The Hill (@thehill) July 25, 2019

“He was a reluctant witness… Even though [Robert Mueller] was reluctant, as you can imagine, to provide the soundbite ‘the President is immoral, the President is unpatriotic,’ that is the essence of what he had to say,” clarified Rep. Schiff.