No win situation comes November

I beg to differ. No ads are needed for him to echo right wing rhetoric

I have no doubt if Republicans lose the house they will cry and bitch and moan and in an angry mob fashion proclaim that America is being held hostage and is being destroyed from within.

If the dem lose this November again, I bet they still won’t replace their bad leadership. Judging by leftist history.

It must be terrible to live in that kind of fear.

Not necessary since they are already wearing their “black shirts”, carrying signs and handmade weapons they are literally advertising their lawlessness and their harassment tactics, they are branding themselves!

The liberal mobs have to be stopped and if Democrats continue to support, incite and encourage anarchy instead of discouraging it’s time for the Feds step in and do the job local liberal officials refuse to do!

Its been done before in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960’s, it can be done again!

So you’re already defending the abuse before it even started?

Not revenge, just checks and balances.

Prevent tiny donald from blowing up the deficit.
Prevent tiny donald from taking away my healthcare coverage.
Prevent tiny donald from separating parents from children.
Finally, see tiny donald’s tax returns.

What abuse?

As of now, it’s looking as though Dems will take the House and Rs will increase their majority in the Senate. Don’t know if Congress could get any more dysfunctional, but we will soon find out if that’s what happens.

I predict libs will pick up anywhere 15 to 30 seats…far less then they are expecting.

Now giving that they only need 23 I think to recapture the house.

Repugs should pick up 4 maybe 5 seats.

And you’re claiming abuse that hasn’t happened. LOL!

That’s just talk radio programming from then until the next “Most Important Election In The History Of The Universe”.

Yeah that sounds about right. Libs hopes of flipping senate seats in Texas and Tennessee are gone, the best they can hope for now is AZ and/or Nevada, and they will almost certainly lose ND and probably MO plus one or two more.

But I will be very surprised if Rs keep the House. Dems don’t need to flip all that many seats, and I can’t see Rs picking up many at all.

anarchists are NOT liberals.



And back to the mantra of “We need to elect true conservatives. No more Republicans. Back to our principles.”

This pretty much sums it up.

Works for me Doc! As I said firehoses, tear gas and a whole lot of paddy wagons to haul off the criminal “resistance” element hell bent on destroying our civil society.

And of course no power no civility.

How authoritarian of you

Hillary lost bro, get over it.