No mention of trump's admission

Sounds like a Neil Young song.

Whaddaya think? Working directly with Russians who are acting expressly at the will of the Russian government to help influence an election in your favor? Good or bad?

Who is Chris Steele? Who did he work with to produce his dossier? What country were they from? Who paid Chris Steele? Yep…all this to influence the election. Good or bad?

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Someone should investigate that if its potentially illegal.

But here we are discussing the trump campaign meeting with russians to get dirt on Clinton.

You OK with that? Yes or no?

Collusion isn’t a crime. Why wouldn’t people seek information about an opposing candidate? The real collusion was with HRC and Russia.

I’m not ok with anything dishonest…period. The problem is that only one side is being told and the bigger crime is being hidden and I have a problem with that.

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Because, for the zillionth time - the crime is CONSPIRACY.

Don’t believe, it’s ok. When the charges come down on everyone in that meeting, and it’s shown that Trump knew everything, it will be crystal clear.



Yeah…I know and ANTIFA is a peaceful organization.

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Run with that…

You are going to be very disappointed.

Ok, sure.


The Steel dossier is a far more egregious act that anything involving Trump WRT election conspiracy.

The DNC SOLICITED this unverified material and paid for it. It then is used either predominantly, or in a “minor” role for a FISA warrant.

The entire Mueller investigation is a dog chasing its own tail.

The best part is that Trump has a record so clean the mud slingers are coming up empty.

Trump works harder when he sees the fake opposition chasing his tail.



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Don’t laugh too hard then. A good looking woman needs that.:sunglasses:


None of that changes what I said (that this is a complicated investigation that will take a long time due to people (including our own politicians) not cooperating.

You should side with the US in this investigation. It will be refreshing.

No, you lied about what I said (along with saying crazy things like Obama being gay). Not surprising really.

OK. The broken record of Mueller…Collusion…Russia…Has been worn way out.

Every day it is the same nonsense…

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