No mask mandate no vaccine

You’re not winning anything. Blatant dishonesty is not a winner.

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Won and still no self control. Still have to construct.


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You have this apparent real belief that witholding the vaccine “Because cuomo” makes it better.

It don’t.

and anyway. Like I said, he’s on TV right now saying he’s ready for a vaccine.

It doesn’t end what you did. How sad.

He didn’t say anything about “withholding”. Find some honesty dude.

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What did I do ? I’ve seen you use the word “hypocrisy” to the point I’m convinced you have no idea what that word means.

My position has been consistent since #3 in this thread. You? Not so much.



Whatever, you’ve shown your true colors. Adios.

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What this is all really about:

Governor Cuomo on Monday:
“Cuomo said the vaccine rollout plan needed to be stopped until his old friend President-elect Joe Biden takes office in January, otherwise it will cause “damage.””

Trump Today:
“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo “will have to let us know when he’s ready for it because otherwise, we can’t be delivering it to a state that won’t be giving it to its people immediately,” Trump said during a press conference from the White House Rose garden.”

So apparently our Democrat posters are upset that Trump has said he will not send the vaccine to New York to be distributed because Cuomo says if they send him the vaccine he will not distribute it.

The real comparison would be not to distribute masks to a state if that state said that if you give them masks, they will not distribute them.


How about you get off your lazy, hypocritical butt and go down to your local police chief, and demand to take the sworn oath to join the covid mask police?

Want a mask mandate? You enforce it.

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I have no idea why people pay attention to that blowhard Cuomo.

Can’t we agree that they are both idiots?

While I agree with Cuomo that The Trump administration would 100% ■■■■ up the distribution of the vaccine and I am glad that he will have no power by the time it happens, what Cuomo said was really really stupid.

Trump being Trump and using the lectern to continue to pick fights all the while patting himself on the back while the pandemic is running out of control is equally stupid.

What are the chances that the President is going golfing this weekend as infection rates continue to climb?

“We need unity”


Yeah, no.


In this case, Cuomo is the idiot. If Cuomo is actually in a position to block the distribution and says he will do so, then the President is correct to inform him that he will not be sent vaccines that will not be distributed.


After which he will come back to hide in the White House basement?


Cuomo isn’t blocking the distribution. He has lost faith in the FDA. Probably for good reasons

Kind of wild when a government has lost faith in a government.

Welcome to 2020

Are you saying the Federal Government can go ahead and distribute the vaccine in New York state even if the Governor wishes, as he says, to block that distribution? If so then the Federal government should ignore Cuomo. If distribution depends on the governor, then they cannot distribute and the vaccine should be sent elsewhere.

Military is distributing the vaccine.

This is Cuomo picking a fight for political reasons.

Not on his side with this one.

No one should be.

Cuomo is wrong the here.

So is the President.

An airing of grievance that is likely followed by a day of golf doesn’t help anyone.

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