No, Joe Biden, Cops Can't Just Shoot People in the Leg

America First.


That’s not a policy, its a slogan.

I’m betting you would vote for trump even if Joe didn’t say that.

If a guy comes at me with a gun i’m not going for the leg. :roll_eyes:

Realize center mass is the way to go, but it is a natural thought that perhaps killing someone isn’t always the first option.

For instance, if a Cop knows the subject is not armed and is running away from the Cops, perhaps after already being frisked and interviewed, is the first response to shoot him the in back or maybe take a shot at the leg first?

Dunno, it depends on why they stopped the fellow I suppose. That chap who was shot in the back running from the Cops when they know he wasn’t armed seems excessive. They knew where he lived, they could just go there and get him.

This would be a sick burn if we were in a world where the other candidate was even capable of verbalizing policy on any level. As it is, not so much, even if it’s a dumb thing to say.

Disqualified as in unfit and unable.

Biden is incoherent.

He makes words just fine… usually.

His ideas are the problem.

They aren’t his and they are all muddled.

Until it is put into operation.

Where does the bullet go when you miss?

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It’s real simple:

  1. you are only allowed to shoot if you are in fear of your life or grave injury.

  2. if you have time to contemplate a leg shot you aren’t in fear of your life, hence you shouldn’t be shooting at all.


Into the poor bystander.

Well said, here’s what one law enforcement official said about Biden’s remarks:

i like to get the guns first and worry about due process later.