No-fly lists based on vaccination status?

I’m not arguing against either. I argue against government mandates.

Ok…the government has mandated. Businesses are protecting their bottom line.

The latter is not a concern for me. The former certainly is.

Sure he does. Words have meanings. And there is an objective truth.

Thanks for the contribution from the Karen Klub.

Thanks for addressing the post and not the poster.

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You were bragging that these new regulations would keep you from flying. When after all you don’t fly much anyway.

You’re welcome. Always do.

Calling someone a Karen isn’t addressing the post.

I didn’t call you a Karen.

Again, people often have multiple reasons for their actions.

:+1: :grinning: :grinning:

They always need someone to hate…also their superiority complex allows them to justify slavery back in their days.


No it doesn’t…but making it mandatory is inhibiting freedom.

The balance is maximum individual freedom with limited amount of laws.

Libs here say we believe in no goverment (Anarchy) is it false. We understand that limited goverment is necessary evil.

On other hand it seems no amount of goverment is enough for libs.


This needs to be repeated. :wink:

No of course not, just stating what usually happens to viruses throughout history that mutate to the point and become as efficient as the flu shot.

Also that some of the eastern countries are still doing a lot more testing and isolating than we are.

Do you think the left was pro-slavery back in those days?

What’s absurd is thinking not allowing unvax people to fly on an airplane is comparable to chattel slavery.

It’s not… its lies pushed by the right to create hate and division so they can win elections.