No Biden you idiot...beside what do you know about work?

This is actually a pretty good article. One of my favorite sections so far:

Biden also hammered the president’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, saying the president left American workers behind.

“He was worried if he started talking about saving peoples’ lives, the stock market might fall,” Biden said. “Well we know it’s been great for his rich friends but it hasn’t been so great for the rest of us.”

“If I’m in the oval office, guess who’s gonna be there with me? Unions, labor, you,” Biden said.


Seems to me many of the largest unions believe Biden more than Trump. The current list of endorsements includes Teamsters union, the United Auto Workers, the United Food and Commercial Workers union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, and the Service Employees International Union.

I wonder how many union workers got the shaft in Trumps 6 bankruptcies?

Thanks for that link. It is a very nice ad for Joe.



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And Trump has??? Lol funny hill to die on isn’t it?

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From your link:
““If I’m in the oval office, guess who’s gonna be there with me? Unions, labor, you,” Biden said.”

I’m loving that!

Biden 2020!

Yes - very well written article. I, for one, am looking forward to having a President who isn’t too paralyzed from worrying about the stock market to actually provide leadership on how to deal with the whole pandemic situation, particularly taking care of our front line workers.


Embarrassed ???


I liked that part too.

This tweet was also within the OP link. I liked Biden’s fire :fire:.