Nikki Haley, Table Manners

NH, a real lady knows when to lay down her fork and sit back from the table.
Not that she steps away, but still joins the group, waiting for the dessert to be served:
Donald Trump.

I think he is ignoring her at this point.

As he should be.


Let’s just say Donald Trump gets sent to prison? Even so, Haley has RUINED her chances that those that would have voted for Trump, would now vote for her.


If Haley wants to continue her bid then she can. As long as she has the money and the infrastructure whats the problem.

I still dont understand how a handful of primaries are used to decide the candidate. This is nothing about Trump I honestly do not understand this part of the American system.

Whats the point of any other state wasting time and money? Why not just have this handful of states decide it each election.

Trump delegates would not vote for her.

Maybe Desantis.


I will definitely vote for Haley- hopefully I can on Super Tuesday. I will also be voting for her if she gets the nomination.

She knows how to hold her own in a debate, and I don’t think she will allow herself to be pushed around.

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How? By refusing to kneel to Trump?

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Trump….is the dessert?


Why? Is Trump above criticism or anyone opposing him?


Fortunately I’m trying to lose weight these days so I generally skip dessert. :grinning:

On another note, it’s kind of funny hearing someone reference Trump talking about manners. :grinning:

Oh, and I’ve already cast my ballet for Nikki Haley.

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people love bush style leadership

back then he was worse than satan’s father’s boss, and he was pushed around by Pelosi scum and ted kennedy

those were the days

Now look at what you got these libs fantasizing about. I hope you’re proud of yourself. :rofl:


if Nikki Haley was more scientific she’d have periodic table manners…

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Barium yo!


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the tweet etiquette with that guy ugh. just horrible

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Just the wurst ever. …


Until the Carnal Orange Crush got deep inside their cockles anyway. :rofl:


hahaha…. gawd

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How do people feel about Bush’s handling of 9/11? I think he did good. There may be some good things about a Haley presidency.

He went into Afghanistan and I didn’t have a problem with that but then he did a 180 and started a war in Iraq based on a lie of weapons of mass destruction. That was pure Cheney’s influence, the military industrial complex and Halliburton and cost the world thousands and thousands of lives and trillions of wasted dollars. Bush 2 SUCKED!