Nike chickens out

I think Kap will be ok.

The Walt Disney Co. on Monday announced an overall first-look deal with Colin Kaepernick.

Good on Kap for taking advantage of simps.

But let’s be real, Nike and Disney are jumping on a hopefully profitable swing in sentiment.

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Who are the “simps” in this equation? Disney? Nike? Anyone who wears Nike and watches Marvel movies?

But I agree with your second point. They are businesses.

Progressive Insurance picked an unknown, unglamorous (sorry), underpaid actress to anchor its advertising brand.

Sales have more than doubled over last ten years with her as pitch person.

Celebrities can be a risky choice.

Nike to Breitbart: ■■■■ y’all.

Which is an incident that supports the OP.


Not really. It’s Breitbart creating news. Maybe if Nike didn’t respond to an online petition or some group was boycotting. That would be news. Nike not responding to a media request? That’s not news and it supports nothing.

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Breitbart employs the cattle prod. The cattle moo.

Nike and Disney.

Just once in the internet I’d like to see someone use the term simp in its proper context. Just once.

Guys, Breitbart isn’t even an important website anymore. The Mercers have pulled most of their funding. Sleeping Giants got ninety percent of their advertisers pulled.

Oh, I know the proper context. Amouranth has more than a fair share. But language evolves as usage drives it. The particulars may not be the same, but the underlying issue is.

So when Trump doesn’t answer a media question… that supports nothing. OK. That is your position.

Except if they own stock in it.


No. I think they only teach that in Australia. Which is why there are only Australian footprints on the moon. Oh wait. Never mind mate. :blush:

Are you talking financially or psychologically?

Speaking of the moon . . . oh, never mind.



Speaking of the moon, you can look up any lunar fact using your American invented smart phone or computer. :smirk::us: