Nightmare Alley

I saw the 2021 version of Nightmare Alley today, and I liked it.

I thought the performances were wonderful, and it was well-directed by Guillermo Del Toro.

The film isn’t as great as the original 1947 version, but it still good on its own right.

I recommend everyone to watch it.

I give it a grade of an B+.


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I am not into fiction movies, especially “B” movies

The movies have always been about escapism. That’s why Hollywood flourished during the depression.

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I know Samm. I am not depressed enough to embrace fantasy. I will let those who want to hang out in fantasy do so.

Dear Mister Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar
Make it snappy, yeah
Dear Mister Fantasy play us a tune
Something to make us all happy
Do anything take us out of this gloom
Sing a song, play guitar
Make it snappy
You are the one who can make us all laugh
But doing that you break out in tears
Please don’t be sad if it was a straight mind you had
We wouldn’t have known you all these years

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The original is coming on TCM. in a little bit. It’s a classic. An ultimate film noir.

I will see the new one asap. We are living the story of the geek show right now,

I’m fond of Guillermo del Toro and Willem daFoe. The latter is an excellent bad guy actor. I’ll have to go.